[Box-Admins] Box-Admins Team Report for January, 2009

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Fri Feb 6 20:41:50 UTC 2009

The box-admins team is reponsible for seeing that the community shared
server is maintained and setting up any new features to be hosted on
that server.

For January, 2009:

Nothing significant to report: the server continues to run smoothly and
has now been up for 107 days.  I've done some little things here and
there but frankly it's a little hard to say sometimes what comes under
the umbrella of the box-admins team and what doesn't.  A list of things
in January that may or may not count:  assistance with directory
permissions on FTP site; developing a new Mantis export mechanism for
use with Installer and by the Release Team; planning/discussing future
server(s)/hosting; moderating the Announcements mailing list; completion
of the closure of Mantis issues harvested for 3.10; slight
reconfiguraton of Mantis for the Release Team. 

I want to thank the community for the monetary support needed to fund
the box and remind you that the bills continue to appear and that
you can currently contribute to the hosting bills by going to


and purchasing a Squeak badge. Note that a donation here may be used for
other Squeak Foundation services including but not limited to
development, development infrastructure, and promotion of Squeak.

The services being hosted have continued to grow and include (but are
not limited to):


SqueakMap - http://map.squeak.org/










and DNS services for squeak.org and squeakfoundation.org domain names.

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