[Cryptography Team] RE: Cryptography

Ron Teitelbaum Ron at USMedRec.com
Fri Oct 21 20:04:35 CEST 2005


I think that having someone that is focused on the usage side, that can help
to write tools, and that can help to use cryptology, or to have as a model
for how to use cryptology would be terrific.

I've added you to the repositories.  Please let us know if you need help
getting started, and feel free to post your code.  I would assume that your
application is for ciphers.  Since the code in the ciphers would be
necessary for your code to work, how about you put it there (the repository
for cryptography ciphers on squeak source)?  That way we can take a look.

Also consider learning more about the implementation side, or staying up
with the projects we are working on.  There is no better way to build tools
then to understand in a broad way the technology that is used, or why they
exist and for what purpose they were invented.  We are starting with ASN.1
which is really a communication protocol.  

Thanks for your participation and welcome to the team!


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Muller [mailto:afunkyobject at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 12:51 PM
To: Ron at USMedRec.com
Subject: Cryptography

> We are still looking for volunteers if you have an interest, have some
> experience, or need cryptography for your application please volunteer.  

Ron, I am interested in being part of this.  I have been studying and
on a Cryptography facade for the last couple of months and really enjoying
fruits of this labor.  Its called "KryptOn" and I plan to share it real soon

My understanding of Cryptography is more on the usage side though, not the
implementation side..  I don't have the math skills to fix/maintain/develop
actual cryptographic algorithms, just a pretty good understanding of their
proper usage, and key management, etc.

 - Chris

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