[Cryptography Team] some more repository things

Chris Muller chris at funkyobjects.org
Mon Oct 24 04:39:27 CEST 2005

The correct form of Base was apparently saved as CryptographyBase-cmm.1.mcz. 
Browse that from the repository, you will see.

Now, if you browse CryptographyBase-rww.3.mcz, it has those algorithm classes
in there.  However, I "moved" them to "Cryptopgraphy" by renaming their
category.  However, Monticello apparently saved it under the old filename,
CryptographyBase instead of Cryptography.  I'm not sure why that happened..

(My guess is Monticello probably isn't listening to class category renames (or
maybe those aren't even broadcasted) except (hopefully) through recompiling the

> Now I'm completely lost. Hmm has published packages per algorithm, and
> somehow there's this CryptographyBase package that also includes all
> these packageinfos...
> Here's what I would do: make a set of class categories and a parallel
> set of packages:
> Cryptography-Base - all base/core/support/... classes
> Cryptography-SHA256
> Cryptography-MD4

Are you sure this is a safe thing to do?  My understanding is Monticello treats
the two-part category names as:

  PackageName-Category name

The Category name is purely for documentation purposes, therefore
Cryptography-Rijndael and Cryptography-MD5 are in the same package
(Cryptography).  If you happen to have them both loaded, make a change to one
and then save it, my guess is Monticello will save them both in the newly saved

To do what you want (separate packages for each algorithm), we probably want to
have something like "CryptographyRijndael", or maybe just "Rijndael"..?

 - Chris

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