[Cryptography Team] Re: Blowfish, BCrypt and Password Hashing added to Cryptography project.

Paul DeBruicker pdebruic at gmail.com
Sun May 15 12:52:12 UTC 2011

Hi German,

ByteArray>>fromHexString: is an extension defined in the 
Cryptography-Core package.  I missed it when I was creating the Blowfish 
packages.  Thanks for finding that.

I've pasted the method below.


ByteArray>>#fromHexString: hexString
	"Returns a byteArray from a hex string. The hex string can have
	leading zeros that will not be truncated, preserving the size of the
	byteArray for things like cyrptograpy"
	| anInteger hexSize stringSize aStringOfHex |
	aStringOfHex := (hexString copyWithoutAll: (Array with: $  with: 
Character cr with: Character tab)).
	stringSize := aStringOfHex size.
	(stringSize > 3
			and: [(aStringOfHex copyFrom: 1 to: 3) = '16r'])
		ifTrue: [anInteger := Number readFrom: (aStringOfHex asUppercase at: 3 
put: $r;
			hexSize := aStringOfHex size - 3 / 2]
		ifFalse: [anInteger := Number readFrom: aStringOfHex asUppercase base: 16.
			hexSize := aStringOfHex size / 2].
	^ anInteger asByteArrayOfSize: hexSize asInteger

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