[Cryptography Team] PAPAS -ParrotTalk Automated Protocol Analyzer&Selector

Robert robert.withers at protonmail.com
Sun Jun 9 22:03:10 UTC 2019

I pray this email finds all of you well! I apologize for my previous incomplete email. Some of my recent posts regarding ParrotTalk plans & development on my new blog Callisto House LLC. You may find the origins & intention of Callisto House, described in the [About page](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/about/), interesting background. The caching is getting confused, looking into that.

[Thoughts of the great internet war over the right to privacy during data-in-motion encryption](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/thoughts-of-the-great-internet-war-over-the-right-to-privacy-in-data-in-motion-encryption/)
[The logic behind ParrotTalk](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/07/the-logic-behind-parrottalk/)http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/07/the-logic-behind-parrottalk/[PAPAS – Redesigning ParrotTalk for Automated Protocol Analyzer & Selector…](http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/redesigning-parrottalk-for-automated-protocol-selection/)

The reason I intended to write you is a request for the modernization of Cryptography assistance. In reading about TLS 1.3 [1], I read somewhere in its rfc [2], a discussion of negotiable Diffie-Hellman variants, using Elliptical algorithms. I do not believe we have such DH algorithms impl&tested, do we? There may be more specialized algorithms in use with TLS .13, as well. I have not looked deeply. As well, there is SHA512. The last item I have noticed is that the Blowfish cipher is not subclassing the hierarchy of Ciphers and so is not fully integrated into the Cryptography framework.  I am requesting that those few brilliant cryptologists who have helped to implement all of our Algorithms, take a look at new algorithms/port Blowfish and help to impl&test them, in an effort to modernize.

I truly feel that our Cryptography repository, aside from all the crap I have published, is filled with a wonderful tested implementation of many useful Cryptographic algorithms. I am hoping thaose few of you may consider this request graciously and dust off your chops. And dive in, so I may be able to implement TLS 1.3, for us. In particular, I would refer you to my blog post linked above titled PAPAS.
Also, in browsing Signal's code [3], there seems to be some interesting algorithms implemented there, including an ECPublicKey and ECPrivateKey, and an HKDF. I am considering implementing Moxie Marlinspike's double-rachet in ParrotTalk. I have no idea whether these would be useful, it seems that they may be.

I am fully engaged with PAPAS and would love to actually be able to use this new stuff without having to implement them myself. I appreciate you and all that you have done. Cryptography is baby's milk.
Kindly & many thanks for your consideration of participation,

[1] IETF's TLS 1.3 blog -  https://www.ietf.org/blog/tls13/
[2] TLS 1.3 RFC - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446
[3] libsignal-protocol-java - https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal-protocol-java
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, June 9, 2019 5:36 PM, Robert <robert.withers at protonmail.com> wrote:

> Some recent posts to my blog regarding ParrotTalk :::
> Thoughts of the great internet war over the right to privacy during data-in-motion encryption
> http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/07/the-logic-behind-parrottalk/
> http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/redesigning-parrottalk-for-automated-protocol-selection/
> http://callistohouse.club/index.php/2019/06/08/thoughts-of-the-great-internet-war-over-the-right-to-privacy-in-data-in-motion-encryption/
> Kindly,
> Robert
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