[Cryptography Team] Implementing Reed Solomon plugins

Robert Withers robert.withers at pm.me
Thu May 27 15:55:53 UTC 2021

I have the outlined definitions of 2 Plugins, 1 for RSErasurePlugin and 1 for RSFECPlugin. They are published to Cryptography. I am trying to understand how to write primitives to get the work done. Any and All assistance MOST WELCOME! Let's get her done!

I believe I have properly implemented the #declareCVarsIn: and initialized for both plugins.

I am looking at a primitive implementation in RSFECPlugin>>#primitiveInverseWithSize. A few questions: am I grabbing the stack arguments correctly? Testing their values correctly? Correctly calling a method to do the work. Manipulating the stack to setup a return value???

I am doing this...correct?

> self pop: 2 thenPushInteger: multiplied.
> ^interpreterProxy methodReturnInteger: multiplied.


> primitiveInverseWithSize
> <export: true>
> <var: 'a' declareC: 'unsigned short' >
> <var: 'size' declareC: 'unsigned short' >
> | a size multiplied |
> interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 2
> ifFalse: [ ^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadNumArgs ].
> a := interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 0.
> size := interpreterProxy stackIntegerValue: 1.
> ((interpreterProxy isBytes: a)
> and: [ (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: a) = 2 ])
> ifFalse: [ ^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument ].
> ((interpreterProxy isBytes: size)
> and: [ (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: a) = 2 ])
> ifFalse: [ ^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument ].
> multiplied := self inverse: a withSize: size.
> self pop: 2 thenPushInteger: multiplied.
> ^interpreterProxy methodReturnInteger: multiplied.


> inverse: a withSize: size
> (a = 0)
> ifTrue: [RSErasureIllegalArgumentError signal: 'the argument is zero'].
> ^ expTable at: (size - ((logTable at: (a + 1)) - 1)).

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