[Elections] Re: Who votes? how does voting work?

Daniel Vainsencher daniel.vainsencher at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 14:12:53 CET 2006

Peter Crowther wrote:
>>From: [...] Daniel Vainsencher
>>Sent: 01 January 2006 19:43
> Daniel, what's the date on your machine?  Is something off with its
> conversion to Gregorian somewhere?
Yes, never mind that, its a problem that will be solved when I give this 
computer away in the next week or so. For now, don't believe my dates.

About the summary - great, I did some editing to keep the focus on the 
requirements, and separate it from the rationale for the requirements.

>>note that it is not Squeak, so some Squeakers won't hack it 
> <shrug>.  And?  A system is a system is a system.
Nope - this is the voting system, and it matters that people be able to 
see it, improve it modify it. Remember we're working on an initial set 
of requirements, this will probably evolve. So its important that the 
technology for it is something the community has in common...

> I could do it quickly but not in Squeak, or in Squeak but slowly - I'm
> not sufficiently familiar with any of the Smalltalk Web frameworks to
> use them effectively.  My day job is almost entirely Microsoft web
> application hacking (for my sins - but it pays the bills!)
I've given a couple of reasons for doing it in Squeak as much as 
possible, whether you're convinced is something else. I think moving the 
trust flow algorithm to Squeak would be a good way for us to learn more 
about it and play with variants. About the voting system itself, maybe 
you can find a Seaside veteran to pair with in the list...

Just ideas :-)


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