[Elections] I am really worried...

Cees De Groot cdegroot at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 21:48:15 CET 2006

On 1/11/06, Peter Crowther <Peter at ozzard.org> wrote:
> Also well aware of it.  In which case I assume it's simply cock-up that
> the candidate selection article went up without the surrounding wording
> concerning proposer/seconder in the same email?

I'll let Brent answer that one.

And if there are any formalities I need to pass as a candidate, I'll
be happy to hear them so I can start working towards fulfulling them
(assuming they're reasonable enough ;-)).

But as I at least presented myself as being a candidate, I'll from now
own refrain from posting on this list. I've let myself being drawn
into the debate too much as it is. Still happy to lend a hand
implementing any system the team comes up with, though.

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