[Elections] Filling Vacancy

Peter Crowther Peter at ozzard.org
Thu Sep 11 06:39:07 UTC 2008

<de-lurk - feel free to ignore me if it's appropriate :-)>
> From: Ron Teitelbaum
> My suggestion would be to allow this to be discussed publicly since
> there is no formal policy.


> How far do we go down the list?

That would be my key question.  The number of people in the Squeak
community willing to stand isn't large.  Can someone stand for election,
confident that even though everyone loathes me they will eventually get
onto the board as those who are liked, or are merely tolerated, serve
and leave?  I'd like to think that the process avoids that, so I'd have
a personal preference *not* simply to go down the list of previous

		- Peter

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