
Jason Johnson jason.johnson.081 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 09:11:19 UTC 2007

Hello all,

As I have mentioned before, I am thinking about creating a new VM for
testing some of my ideas.  One thing I noticed in the blue book was the
tagging they use on the first (least significant) bit.  By doing this you
always have to shift the number before you can work with it.

My thought was moving the tag to the last bit (most significant) and making
0 mean SmallPositiveInteger and 1 for OOP's.  This way, once the number is
identified to be a number nothing more need be done to use it and it doesn't
need to be converted to be put back.

As far as negative numbers, if I use a 31 bit header for my OOPS then the
first bit of the header can be a flag.  If the flag is 1 it's actually a
negative number, otherwise it's a normal header.

To clarify what I mean, here are some examples (first half byte in binary,
rest in hex)

0000-0 00 00 ff - SmallPositiveInteger(255)
0111-f ff ff ff - SmallPositiveInteger(2147483647)

1xxx-x xx xx 01 - OOP(random memory address)
1xxx-x xx xx 02 - OOP(random memory address)
1xxx-x xx xx 03 - OOP(random memory address)

(at address 0xxx-x xx xx 01)
1000-0 00 00 00 - SmallNegativeInteger(-2147483647)

(at address 0xxx-x xx xx 02)
1111-f ff ff ff - SmallNegativeInteger(-1)

(at address 0xxx-x xx xx 03)
0xxx-x xx xx xx - OO Header for a regular object

So does anyone know any problems with this approach that make it
unusable/unpractical?  The only things I see are:

1) This representation is tied to 2's compliment, but are there any system
that don't use that?
2) This system can only deal with 2 gigs worth of address pointers (can be
hard coded to high or low but not both).  How does any Smalltalk get around
3) Negative numbers require indirect memory access.  Are negative numbers
used so much this would be a problem?  If so, one option would be to switch
from 31 bits to 30 and use 2 bits for the tag (00 = SmallPositiveInteger, 11
= SmallNegativeInteger, 01 = Float?)  I think VW is using two tag bits.
4) By tagging on the high side I have no option of using a value less then
32 bits (e.g. an 8-byte char).  Perhaps characters can be done as my initial
negative number solution as well by having a special OO header to represent
them.  Since the pointer points to the top, not the bottom maybe the header
could be variable size (i.e. less then 32 bits).

So what do you all think?  Any big problems I didn't mention?  Or solutions
to the problems I mentioned?  Or papers about this kind of thing (since my
google-fu has not found too much on the subject so far)?

Thanks in advance,
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