Progress towards Exupery 0.12

bryce at bryce at
Thu May 3 19:58:21 UTC 2007

Chris Muller writes:
 > Bryce, will Exupery be able to determine what *should* be compiled?
That works now, just enable the background compiler. It's one of
the reasons that I'm debugging. Background compilation requires
reliability as you don't know what will be compiled when.

 > Also, what is the status on LargeInteger support?

I haven't yet done anything for large integers.

The two experimental things I'm thinking about are closure compiler
support and enabling dynamic inlining of arithmetic primitives. 

Enabling dynamic inlining of arithmetic primitives would be important
for large integer work. The problem with arithmetic primitives is
they're already manually inlined. The SmallInteger inlining needs to
be moved to use a generic primitive inlining mechanism. This is
especially true if the code mixes arithmetic types which is possible
if you're using large integers.

I plan on playing around with Magma/Seaside with Exupery running
in the background after this release is done. 


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