Magma missing dirty objects?

Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Wed Nov 9 22:42:11 UTC 2005


I am playing with storing Gardner pages in Magma. However, Magma
doesn't seem to want to store stuff... I get it to store the very
first transaction as far as I can determine from the disk file, but
nothing else. If I reuse existing sessions, everything appears normal
but if I get a new session it's initialized from disk and I get a
freshly initialized data structure (a wiki with a default front page).

Are there circumstances where Magma can miss dirty objects? The
structure looks roughly like:

root: aDictionary
  'CamsWikis': aDictionary
   'CamsWebsite: aCamsWikiStorage
     pages: aDictionary
      'Welcome': aGSPage
        editions: anOrderedCollection
           1: a GWEdition

updating a wiki page is done by adding an edition.

I'll keep looking for something obvious, in the meantime :)

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