[Q] changing keySize:

Chris Muller chris at funkyobjects.org
Mon Apr 24 15:48:29 UTC 2006

> So the problem is not the indexes, but the time consumed on adding
> new objects.
> I noticed that the first country has an orderedCollection with 295
> cities.
> So I save these cities first (540652 ms for the 295 cities) and then,
> when I save the first ten countries, the elapsed times descended to
> 14
> seconds.
> Then I tried saving a new country, without any reference. It took 3
> seconds (sometimes 2 or 1.5). It's slow...  But I really like Magma.
> Thanks for your time And sorry again. I will study more on magma
> before make another question.

Hi Norberto, would you post a MessageTally here to help see what's
going on?

I don't know how complex your City objects are, but 540 seconds to add
295 cities seems awfully slow to me, what kind of computer you running,
a PDA??  :)

Also, when "loading" a database, it is good to not let the
cachedObjectCount grow and grow.  I'm not sure where you are getting
the objects (importing from a disk file?  creating in memory?), but if
they stay in memory then loading will get slower and slower.

Please post a MessageTally of the slow operation.

 - Chris

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