Magma + seasidehosting

Pablo Iaria iariap at
Wed Aug 23 17:00:31 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I'm deploying a small seaside application that uses magma to store
objects. I did it in win2k.

When I try to create the repository I got an error because
seasidehosting uses a modified version of the VM with some sort of
issue in the SecurityPlugin that dont let me do that. (this part isn't
related to Magma but I wrote it to put as in context )

So I tried to create the repository in my win2k and then upload it to
the server.

When I startup the application I got an error (I included the stack
trace at the end of the message and attached the blank repository I'm
trying to use).

Does anybody knows what I'm doing wrong and why I couln'd use the
repository created with win2k in linux?


I set WAMagmaConfiguration's Repository Location to
'/service/edp/files/magma' (as seaside suggested). I'm using the
Sq3.8f+seaside+magma image.

MaUserError: fileStream required

    * MaUserError class(Exception class)>>signal:

          self	MaUserError
          signalerText	'fileStream required'
          inst vars
          superclass	MaError
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(#isUserError->a CompiledMethod (196) )
          format	140
          instanceVariables	nil
          organization	('as yet unclassified' isUserError)
          subclasses	#(MaClientServerUserError MagmaUserError
MaHashIndexUserError MaObjectSerializationUserError MauiUse...etc...
          name	#MaUserError
          classPool	nil
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * MaTransactionalFileStream class>>fileStream:

          self	MaTransactionalFileStream
          aFileStream	nil
          inst vars
          superclass	MaObject
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(#bePhysical->a CompiledMethod
(520) #binary->a CompiledMethod (680) #close->a Com...etc...
          format	142
          instanceVariables	#('filename' 'fileStream' 'guard'
'uncommittedSize' 'position' 'writers')
          organization	('accessing' bePhysical committedSize
copyToDirectory: physicalStream writersDo:) ('filestream api'
          subclasses	nil
          name	#MaTransactionalFileStream
          classPool	nil
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * MaObjectFiler>>openFile:

          self	a MaObjectFiler
          unqualifiedName	'objects'
          answer	nil
          inst vars
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          file	nil
          preMadeObjectBuffer	a MaObjectBuffer oid : **invalid**
classId : **invalid** objectInstSize : **invalid**
          filePositionIndex	nil
          usedByteArrays	#(a ByteArray(0) a ByteArray(0 0) a
ByteArray(0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0 0) a
          primitiveAttributeAddressesMap	a
Dictionary('anchorOid'->43->64 'booleanFlags'->10->8
'classDefinitionsOid'->27->64 'definitionOid'...etc...

    * MaObjectFiler>>openObjectsFile

          self	a MaObjectFiler
          inst vars
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          file	nil
          preMadeObjectBuffer	a MaObjectBuffer oid : **invalid**
classId : **invalid** objectInstSize : **invalid**
          filePositionIndex	nil
          usedByteArrays	#(a ByteArray(0) a ByteArray(0 0) a
ByteArray(0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0 0) a
          primitiveAttributeAddressesMap	a
Dictionary('anchorOid'->43->64 'booleanFlags'->10->8
'classDefinitionsOid'->27->64 'definitionOid'...etc...

    * MaObjectFiler>>open

          self	a MaObjectFiler
          inst vars
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          file	nil
          preMadeObjectBuffer	a MaObjectBuffer oid : **invalid**
classId : **invalid** objectInstSize : **invalid**
          filePositionIndex	nil
          usedByteArrays	#(a ByteArray(0) a ByteArray(0 0) a
ByteArray(0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0 0) a
          primitiveAttributeAddressesMap	a
Dictionary('anchorOid'->43->64 'booleanFlags'->10->8
'classDefinitionsOid'->27->64 'definitionOid'...etc...

    * MaObjectFiler class>>open:

          self	MaObjectFiler
          aFileDirectory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          inst vars
          superclass	MaObject
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(#anchorOid->a CompiledMethod
(795) #anchorOid:->a CompiledMethod (2841) #appendOb...etc...
          format	142
          instanceVariables	#('directory' 'file' 'preMadeObjectBuffer'
'filePositionIndex' 'usedByteArrays' 'primitiveAttributeA...etc...
          organization	('accessing' anchorOid classDefinitionsOid
dataFileName definitionOid directory filePointerForOid: f...etc...
          subclasses	nil
          name	#MaObjectFiler
          classPool	nil
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * MaObjectRepository>>open:

          self	a MaObjectRepository
          aFileDirectory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          inst vars
          transactionLog	a MaTransactionLog
          sessions	a Dictionary()
          filer	nil
          repositoryController	a MagmaRepositoryController
          largeCollectionManagers	a Dictionary()
          systemReadStrategy	nil
          nextOid	nil
          recoveryManager	nil
          commitGuard	a Semaphore()
          applyProcess	nil

    * MaObjectRepository class>>open:controller:

          self	MaObjectRepository
          aFileDirectory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          aMaRepositoryController	a MagmaRepositoryController
          inst vars
          superclass	MaObject
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(#abortTransactionFor:->a
CompiledMethod (2026) #applyToCache:->a CompiledMethod (...etc...
          format	150
          instanceVariables	#('transactionLog' 'sessions' 'filer'
'repositoryController' 'largeCollectionManagers'
          organization	('client-requests' abortTransactionFor:
numberOfEntriesFrom:to:inLargeCollection:on: readAnchorFor:u...etc...
          subclasses	nil
          name	#MaObjectRepository
          classPool	a Dictionary(#RunningTestCases->false
#SimulateOutage->false )
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * MagmaRepositoryController>>privateOpen:

          self	a MagmaRepositoryController
          aFileDirectory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          inst vars
          repository	a MaObjectRepository
          session	a MagmaSession
          serverSerializer	a MaObjectSerializer
          requestInterruptGuard	a Semaphore()
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          preferences	a MagmaServerPreferences

    * [] in MagmaRepositoryController>>open {[self privateOpen: directory]}

          self	a MagmaRepositoryController
          didRetry	false
          err	nil
          inst vars
          repository	a MaObjectRepository
          session	a MagmaSession
          serverSerializer	a MaObjectSerializer
          requestInterruptGuard	a Semaphore()
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          preferences	a MagmaServerPreferences

    * BlockContext>>on:do:

          self	[] in MagmaRepositoryController>>open {[self
privateOpen: directory]}
          exception	MagmaCorruptionError
          handlerAction	[] in MagmaRepositoryController>>open {[:err |
didRetry ifTrue: [self error: 'serious problem'] ...etc...
          handlerActive	true
          inst vars
          sender	BlockContext>>on:do:
          pc	63
          stackp	0
          nargs	0
          startpc	60
          home	MagmaRepositoryController>>open

    * MagmaRepositoryController>>open

          self	a MagmaRepositoryController
          didRetry	false
          err	nil
          inst vars
          repository	a MaObjectRepository
          session	a MagmaSession
          serverSerializer	a MaObjectSerializer
          requestInterruptGuard	a Semaphore()
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          preferences	a MagmaServerPreferences

    * MagmaRepositoryController>>open:

          self	a MagmaRepositoryController
          aFileDirectory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          inst vars
          repository	a MaObjectRepository
          session	a MagmaSession
          serverSerializer	a MaObjectSerializer
          requestInterruptGuard	a Semaphore()
          directory	UnixFileDirectory on '/service/edp/files/magma'
          preferences	a MagmaServerPreferences

    * MagmaRepositoryController class>>open:

          self	MagmaRepositoryController
          fullyQualifiedPathString	'/service/edp/files/magma'
          inst vars
          superclass	MaObject
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(#averageObjectSize->a
CompiledMethod (263) #backupTo:->a CompiledMethod (2344) #b...etc...
          format	142
          instanceVariables	#('repository' 'session'
'serverSerializer' 'requestInterruptGuard' 'directory' 'preferences')
          organization	('statistics' averageObjectSize
numberOfConnectedClients objectCount version) ('utilities'
          subclasses	nil
          name	#MagmaRepositoryController
          classPool	a Dictionary(#OpenControllers->a Set() )
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * MagmaRepositoryController class>>openedOn:

          self	MagmaRepositoryController
          fullyQualifiedPathString	'/service/edp/files/magma'
          existingController	nil
          inst vars
          superclass	MaObject
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(#averageObjectSize->a
CompiledMethod (263) #backupTo:->a CompiledMethod (2344) #b...etc...
          format	142
          instanceVariables	#('repository' 'session'
'serverSerializer' 'requestInterruptGuard' 'directory' 'preferences')
          organization	('statistics' averageObjectSize
numberOfConnectedClients objectCount version) ('utilities'
          subclasses	nil
          name	#MagmaRepositoryController
          classPool	a Dictionary(#OpenControllers->a Set() )
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * MagmaSession class>>openLocal:

          self	MagmaSession
          pathString	'/service/edp/files/magma'
          inst vars
          superclass	MaObject
          methodDict	a MethodDictionary(size 109)
          format	152
          instanceVariables	#('id' 'user' 'serializer' 'transaction'
'readStrategy' 'definition' 'preferences' 'anchor' 'transac...etc...
          organization	('transactions' abort begin commit
commitAndBegin commitAndBegin: commit: didChange:
          subclasses	nil
          name	#MagmaSession
          classPool	a Dictionary(#ConnectedSessions->a Set(a
MagmaSession a MagmaSession a MagmaSession a MagmaSessio...etc...
          sharedPools	nil
          environment	a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
          category	nil

    * [] in MagmaLocalLocation>>newSession {[sessionClass openLocal: fullPath]}

          self	/service/edp/files/magma
          sessionClass	MagmaSession
          fullPath	'/service/edp/files/magma'
          each	a MagmaSession
          foundSession	nil
          inst vars
          name	nil
          path	'/service/edp/files/magma'
-------------- next part --------------
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