For interest: Magma in 3.9a-7008

Mart-Mari Breedt breedt_m at
Fri Mar 17 08:48:24 UTC 2006


You are right, it probadly has nothing to do with Magma, it just happened to be the only package I had this problem with. I first thought that it might be because of the dependancies of Magma1.0, but I loaded some other packages that also had depandacies, and they seemed to be working fine. Maybe it is related to a new version of Monticello? I can load the newest version of Monticello in my 3.8 image and check it out.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: goran at [mailto:goran at] 
Sent: 17 Maart 2006 09:33
To: Mart-Mari Breedt
Cc: magma at
Subject: Re: For interest: Magma in 3.9a-7008


This has nothing to do with Magma I am pretty sure. But I haven't looked
at what it is - my guess is that it is Traits related - or related to
other changes made to the core system related to that. 

regards, Göran

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