Multiple indices on MagmaCollections?

goran at goran at
Thu May 18 11:34:38 UTC 2006

Hi Chris and Brent!

Ok, so our project is moving along fine - it will most probably become
open source, I intend to prepare a demonstration for OOPSLA and see if
it gets acepted (and tell everyone about Seaside/Magma of course).

In the app we are building we intend to offer the users advanced
filtering of "cases". This boils down to more or less what you have been
discussing about indices and Lava (though I am at this point not
interested in Lava - but will definitely be later on).

So my question is: What is the current status of this work? And where
can I get it? :)

I have read through your posts on the subject and it looks great to me.

regards, Göran

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