One more newbie question

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire2006 at
Tue Oct 10 07:40:30 UTC 2006

Keith Hodges a écrit :
> Hello,
> I was asking similar questions a while  back. These links may help:

Thanks for the indication.

> In your companies example I think it depends upon how UserA and UserB 
> find their companies.

Yes, User's company attribute refer to object defined in the local 
application. In fact Company instance does not need to be persisted as 
it is unchangeable value.

What I am afraid of is that when persisting one object I may also 
persist much more than I want.

Eventually User's instance should reference company through their hash 
value but this will add complexity.
I am not sure how I should handle that situation.

> If you arrange for your companies to be persisted in some form of 
> keyes/indexed collection and found from there, then the users are likely 
> to find the same company instance.
> hope this helps

yes, thanks,


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