newbie questions

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire2006 at
Wed Oct 11 09:09:13 UTC 2006

Chris Muller a écrit :

>>Is commit: only to be used when you want to persist an object?
> To persist an object, you must use commit.

Ok, related to this question, here is a situation we are use to: lazy 

Now here is the following situation:

Let's MyClass with an attribute diner which is lazilly initialized

   diner ifNil:
     [diner := Diner with: self friends].
   ^ diner

An intsance of this class is persisted, next outisde of a transaction, I 
  am accessing the diner attribute, thus a Diner instance is created.
If I understand correctly this instance will not be persisted.
Is it the case?


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