Some more newbies questions

Chris Muller chris at
Thu Oct 12 02:16:32 UTC 2006

Hi Hilaire,

> Can I switch the use of a Magma repository in single mode then in
> server
> mode, and vis-versa?

Yes.  And, you can also have a server running for multi-user and
connect locally yourself from within the server image (via the
MagamSession class>>#repositoryController: message).

> Regarding the readStrategy I don not understand very clearly the
> difference between the minimumDepth: and readToDeapth: keyword
> argument?
> maSession readStrategy:
>      ((MaReadStrategy minimumDepth: 1)
>          onAny: Form readToDepth: 999 ;
>          yourself).

minimumDepth is what you get all the time, every time, no matter what,
when materializing a proxy.  If, while materializing that proxy and
(based on the minimumDepth), objects of specified classes (like Form)
are encountered, it will be sure to read and materialize that much
deeper for that branch of the object graph.

In the case of Form yes, 1 or 2 would be enough, but 999 is indicative
that the Form is acyclic, and we just want it all.  It doesn't hurt
anything to have too much, but by saying 999 it sort of "documents"
that we always want entire Forms..

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