newbie questions

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire2006 at
Thu Oct 12 07:15:58 UTC 2006

Chris Muller a écrit :
> If the Diner is referenced by the persistent graph and you have not set
> refreshPersistentObjectsEvenWhenChangedOnlyByMe: to true (i.e., leave
> that false, always), then lazy-initializing the Diner should be fine
> and it should get persisted; upon your next mySession begin; commit,
> even if the reference to the Diner made outside the transaction AND
> another session did not change that object that now references the
> Diner.
> Did you find otherwise?  If you post your example maybe it will reveal
> why..

Oh right!

I closed the connection right after a lazy initialization. In that case 
the Diner object was not persisted.
If before closing I am doing an empty transaction commit: [] it is 

Oh subtle details!



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