MagmaServerLoader-cmm.22 - indexing bug fixed

Chris Muller chris at
Tue Sep 12 04:14:49 UTC 2006

Ok, it looks like MaHashIndexTester is going to finish (been running
for 24 hours).

Here's what happened.  In fixing the freaky index bug Göran identified,
I improved the design of MaHashIndex to get rid of the special value
(3) and use a new separate control field to properly indicate.  But I
did it in the airport and there wasn't time to run the (thorough)
MaHashIndexTester  to ensure no regressions were found.

Having finally found time to do that last weekend, it revealed a slip
in the new code when removing entries from an index.  That's now fixed
and MaHashIndexTester is finally approaching the finish line, so I've
gone ahead and replaced the bad version on MagmaTester.

MagmaTester is now the SqueakSource project where test/beta code goes. 
Unless I hear from anyone within a week or so of any problems, I'll
post it to the "Magma" project.

 - Chris

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