[ANN] Pier-ScriptingAPI

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Sep 15 15:40:26 UTC 2006

I have uploaded a first release of a scriptingAPI for pier.

The aim at this stage is to provide a platform for importing data and 
hence some scalability testing with pier-magma.

There are three classes which implement the same API.
a) PRModelScripter - direct operations on the model
b) PRCommandScripter - operations via the command interface (logging 
c) PRCommandAppScripter - as b) but run in the context of the registered 
application including logging (optional) and persistency.

For Data importing PRPierifyToPage provides an abstract class for 
loading data from a target object into a pier page.
Example  of use:

(PRPierifySmalltalkClass target: Object into: (PRCommandAppScripter 

So to create a persisted Pier kernel with 5000+ pages, one every 10 seconds.
Create a persisted kernel named 'Squeak'  using the  Magma Control Panel 
GUI. Then run.

PRPierifySmalltalkClass pace: 10.
PRPierifySmalltalkClass exampleProtoObject.
[ PRPierifySmalltalkClass exampleAllClasses ] forkAt: 15.

feedback welcome


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