Read Strategies

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at
Tue Sep 19 14:27:25 UTC 2006

My previous mail outlines a potential strategy for doing the following

>buildReadStrategyOn: strategy
> strategy minimumDepth: 0;
>        onAny: BigFatObject readToDepth: 2 ;
>        forVariableNamed: 'uselessInfo' onAny: BigFatObject 
readToDepth: 0;
>        yourself.

ie. the depthPsecifications Array looks like

depthSpecifications := Association key: 2 value:
        (Dictionary new key: 'uselessInfo' value: 0)

Specifying the default, with exceptions whereas in the previous
implementation #onAny: would simply over-ride and the second more
detailed attribute spec would have been ignored.


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