complete domain independence

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Thu Jul 12 20:36:03 UTC 2007

Oh, looks like a neat feature. I note it for future use.

To figure out where time is spent, I have runned MessageTally over a 10 
time commit

MessageTally spyOn: [10	timesRepeat: [self learner recordAchievements: 
self veryDeepCopy]]

I have to admit the MessageTally output looks like chinese for me (hum 
chinese is eaiser) as I don't know much about Magma internal. I have 
enclosed there the MessageTally output, there are big tension on 
IdentitySet>>ScanFor: not sure what it exactly mean.

Chris your are doing great providing info about the use of Magma. I 
would like to give a hand to collect info posted there in a FAQ on the 
swiki. If other want to help it will be great.


-------------- next part --------------
 - 63026 tallies, 64099 msec.

95.1% {60958ms} IFILearner>>recordAchievements:
  |83.3% {53394ms} IFIDbSession class>>commit:
  |  |83.3% {53394ms} IFIDbSession>>commit:
  |  |  83.3% {53394ms} MagmaSession>>commit:
  |  |    83.2% {53330ms} MagmaSession>>commit
  |  |      83.2% {53330ms} MagmaSession>>commitAndBegin:
  |  |        42.4% {27178ms} MagmaSession>>submit:
  |  |          |42.4% {27178ms} MaLocalServerLink>>submit:
  |  |          |  42.4% {27178ms} MaLocalRequestServer(MaRequestServer)>>processRequest:
  |  |          |    42.4% {27178ms} MagmaRepositoryController>>value:
  |  |          |      42.4% {27178ms} MagmaRepositoryController>>processRequest:
  |  |          |        42.4% {27178ms} MaWriteRequest>>process
  |  |          |          42.4% {27178ms} MaObjectRepository>>submitAll:for:beginAnother:
  |  |          |            41.3% {26473ms} MaObjectRepository>>write:
  |  |          |              34.0% {21794ms} MaRecoveryManager>>log:flush:
  |  |          |                |33.3% {21345ms} MaObjectSerializer>>serializeGraph:
  |  |          |                |  33.3% {21345ms} MaObjectSerializer>>serializeGraph:do:
  |  |          |                |    33.3% {21345ms} MaObjectSerializer>>appendGraph:do:
  |  |          |                |      28.9% {18525ms} MaCommitLogEntry(Object)>>maGraphDo:using:
  |  |          |                |        |28.9% {18525ms} UndefinedObject(ProtoObject)>>maValueGraphNode:index:using:with:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |  28.9% {18525ms} MaCommitLogEntry(ProtoObject)>>maGraphDo:using:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |    28.9% {18525ms} MaCommitLogEntry(ProtoObject)>>maValueGraphNode:index:using:with:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |      28.9% {18525ms} MaCommitPackage(ProtoObject)>>maGraphDo:using:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |        28.9% {18525ms} MaCommitPackage(ProtoObject)>>maValueGraphNode:index:using:with:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |          28.7% {18396ms} Dictionary>>maGraphDo:using:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |            28.7% {18396ms} Dictionary(ProtoObject)>>maValueGraphNode:index:using:with:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |              11.0% {7051ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>add:
  |  |          |                |        |                |9.4% {6025ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |          |                |        |                |  9.3% {5961ms} IdentitySet>>scanFor:
  |  |          |                |        |              9.6% {6154ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>includes:
  |  |          |                |        |                |9.5% {6089ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |          |                |        |                |  9.5% {6089ms} IdentitySet>>scanFor:
  |  |          |                |        |              7.8% {5000ms} SmallInteger(ProtoObject)>>maGraphDo:using:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |                7.7% {4936ms} MaFixedObjectBuffer(ProtoObject)>>maValueGraphNode:index:using:with:path:with:
  |  |          |                |        |                  4.1% {2628ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>includes:
  |  |          |                |        |                    |4.1% {2628ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |          |                |        |                    |  4.1% {2628ms} IdentitySet>>scanFor:
  |  |          |                |        |                  3.5% {2243ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>add:
  |  |          |                |        |                    3.1% {1987ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |          |                |        |                      3.1% {1987ms} IdentitySet>>scanFor:
  |  |          |                |      4.2% {2692ms} MaObjectSerializer>>append:
  |  |          |                |        3.9% {2500ms} MaObjectSerializer>>bufferFor:storageObject:startingAt:
  |  |          |              4.7% {3013ms} MaObjectRepository>>applyToCache:
  |  |          |                4.3% {2756ms} MaObjectFiler>>write:index:
  |  |          |                  2.1% {1346ms} MaObjectFiler>>index:at:
  |  |          |                    2.1% {1346ms} MaLargeArrayOfNumbers>>at:put:
  |  |        28.8% {18461ms} MagmaSession>>newCommitPackageFor:
  |  |          |22.6% {14486ms} MaTransaction>>changedObjects
  |  |          |  |22.5% {14422ms} MaTransaction>>addChangesFromReadSet
  |  |          |  |  22.0% {14102ms} MaTransaction>>didChange:from:
  |  |          |  |    13.5% {8653ms} MaFixedObjectBuffer>>isDifferent:using:
  |  |          |  |      |5.0% {3205ms} MaObjectSerializer>>oidFor:
  |  |          |  |      |  |4.8% {3077ms} MagmaOidManager(MaOidManager)>>oidFor:
  |  |          |  |      |  |  4.6% {2949ms} MagmaOidManager>>oidFor:ifAbsent:
  |  |          |  |      |  |    2.9% {1859ms} MagmaOidManager(MaOidManager)>>oidFor:ifAbsent:
  |  |          |  |      |3.8% {2436ms} MaFixedObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>maInstVarAt:
  |  |          |  |      |  2.5% {1602ms} MaFixedObjectBuffer(MaObjectBuffer)>>uint:at:
  |  |          |  |      |    2.3% {1474ms} ByteArray>>maUint:at:
  |  |          |  |      |      2.0% {1282ms} ByteArray>>maUnsigned48At:
  |  |          |  |    6.2% {3974ms} MaByteObjectBuffer(MaVariableBuffer)>>isDifferent:using:
  |  |          |  |      |3.3% {2115ms} Array>>maIsChangedFrom:using:
  |  |          |  |      |  2.6% {1667ms} Array(Object)>>maIsChangedFrom:using:
  |  |          |  |    2.1% {1346ms} MaTransaction>>useWriteBarrierOn:
  |  |          |6.2% {3974ms} MaCommitPackage>>serializeObjectsUsing:
  |  |          |  6.0% {3846ms} MaObjectSerializer>>serializeGraph:do:
  |  |          |    6.0% {3846ms} MaObjectSerializer>>appendGraph:do:
  |  |          |      5.1% {3269ms} MaObjectSerializer>>append:
  |  |          |        4.6% {2949ms} MaObjectSerializer>>bufferFor:storageObject:startingAt:
  |  |        12.1% {7756ms} MagmaSession>>refreshViewUsing:
  |  |          12.1% {7756ms} MaCommitResult>>refresh:
  |  |            10.4% {6666ms} MagmaSession>>assignPermanentOidsFrom:
  |  |              9.8% {6282ms} MaObjectSerializer>>oidOf:is:
  |  |                9.8% {6282ms} MagmaOidManager>>oidOf:is:
  |  |                  9.8% {6282ms} MagmaOidManager(MaOidManager)>>oidOf:is:
  |  |                    9.3% {5961ms} MaWeakValueDictionary(MaDictionary)>>at:put:
  |  |                      8.1% {5192ms} WeakValueDictionary(Dictionary)>>includesKey:
  |  |                        8.0% {5128ms} WeakValueDictionary(Dictionary)>>at:ifAbsent:
  |  |                          8.0% {5128ms} WeakValueDictionary(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
  |  |                            7.9% {5064ms} WeakValueDictionary(Dictionary)>>scanFor:
  |9.1% {5833ms} IFILearner>>propagateSuffisanceFrom:
  |  5.1% {3269ms} IFILearner>>propagateSuffisanceFrom:
  |    |2.7% {1731ms} IFILearner>>propagateSuffisanceFrom:
  |  3.4% {2179ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>do:
  |    2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>at:
  |      2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>at:ifOutOfBounds:
  |        2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>primAt:ifOutOfBounds:
  |          2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>loadFromIndex:pageSize:
  |            2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>segmentContaining:
  |              2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollectionReader>>refreshSegment:loadObjects:
  |                2.9% {1859ms} MagmaCollection>>refreshSegment:where:...ze:using:loadObjects:
  |                  2.9% {1859ms} MagmaSession>>refreshSegment:of:where...ize:using:loadObjects:
  |                    2.4% {1538ms} MagmaSession>>materializeObjectsIn:
  |                      2.4% {1538ms} MagmaSession>>materializeObject:
  |                        2.4% {1538ms} MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraph:do:
  |                          2.4% {1538ms} MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraphDo:
  |                            2.3% {1474ms} MaObjectSerializer>>newSkeletonFor:fromProxy:
  |                              2.3% {1474ms} MaObjectSerializer>>oidOf:is:
  |                                2.3% {1474ms} MagmaOidManager>>oidOf:is:
  |                                  2.3% {1474ms} MagmaOidManager(MaOidManager)>>oidOf:is:
  |                                    2.2% {1410ms} MagmaOidManager>>removeGarbageCollectedObjectEntries
  |                                      2.2% {1410ms} MagmaOidManager(MaOidManager)>>removeGarbageCollectedObjectEntries
  |                                        2.2% {1410ms} MaWeakValueDictionary(MaDictionary)>>reject:
  |                                          2.2% {1410ms} MaWeakValueDictionary(MaDictionary)>>add:
2.6% {1667ms} MagmaSession>>initializeSerializer
28.2% {18076ms} IdentitySet>>scanFor:
13.1% {8397ms} WeakValueDictionary(Dictionary)>>scanFor:
2.4% {1538ms} IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>>at:ifAbsent:
2.2% {1410ms} MethodDictionary(Set)>>findElementOrNil:
2.1% {1346ms} WeakIdentityKeyDictionary>>scanFor:

	old			+9,660,444 bytes
	young		+59,280 bytes
	used		+9,719,724 bytes
	free		-940,764 bytes

	full			6 totalling 1,420ms (2.0% uptime), avg 237.0ms
	incr		7900 totalling 6,562ms (10.0% uptime), avg 1.0ms
	tenures		244 (avg 32 GCs/tenure)
	root table	0 overflows

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