Recursive creation of suspended processes (resent)

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at
Wed May 9 00:01:36 UTC 2007

This is using the latest .cmm package in MagmaTester

When trying to clean up a broken image, the following code causes a problem
The code is in SystemNavigation-#obsoleteBehaviours

test example that should reproduce the problem, having performed a
MagmaSession cleanUp already.

SystemNavigation default allObjectsDo: [ :ob | isBehaviour ].

This understandably generates a MessageNotUnderstood error, on all
Instances of MagmaMutatingProxy.
The doesNotUnderstand: method attempts to reify the object, if it fails
it retrys and if that fails it, signals the error. At this point one can
only assume that the defaultAction on a MessageNotUnderstood exception
eventually ends up calling MagmaMutatingProxy-#doesNotUnderstand:

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