start up and shutdown.

Ramiro Diaz Trepat ramiro at
Mon Aug 31 00:18:09 UTC 2009

Hi guys,
I want my application to automatically create a repository with some basic
date if my image is started somewhere that does not have a preexisting
I was making a few tests, basically to see what happened with Magma if when
restarting an image that had an open session, the database directory was not

I opened my session with something like this.

magmaServer := MagmaServerConsole new.
[ magmaServer open: path ]
    on: Error
    do: [ :ex | Transcript show: ex ].

magmaServer processOn: 51001.
magmaServer shutdown.

I realized then that in spite of runnring the last #shutdown, if I closed
the image and then restarted it it was still reopening the repository.

Then I executed things like:

MagmaRepositoryController initialize.
MagmaSession cleanUp.
magmaServer controller closeRepository.

Neither could avoid the automatic attempts to reopen the repository after I
restarted the image.

Then, I lost the pointer to that magmaServer and every time my image starts
it still tries to open that repository and it fails.

What are the commands to execute to reset it all? to stop Magma from trying
to open anything at all at start up so I can start from a clean slate again.


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