Hosting website with MagmaDB on Seasidehosting

Damion Mitchell dammitchy at
Thu May 6 00:25:50 UTC 2010

I am a newbie to Magma, and I am working on a project and I was wondering if
there is an easy way to configure my system to have Magma work on
seasidehosting. Now it is presently working on my local machine
* **session := (MagmaSession openLocal: 'PackageDB') newSession; connectAs:
I would appreciate if some assistance could be given in this regard.

Now I have implemented somewhat of a Singleton pattern, where I am allowing
one DBase Connection per user session. Now I am having two issues.
1. How can I explicitly save the changes made to actual MagmaDB. As I can
store data, to the object while in memory, but if I close the image all
those changes are lost. So how can I ensure that it is also stored in the

2. I have an #unregistered method, however sometimes it works fine and
another time is complains that is doesNotUnderstand disconnect. Any hint or
solution as to why this might be happening
*initialize *
* **super initialize.*
* **self database: PTDatabase new.*

* ** **self database session disconnect.*
* ** **super unregistered.*
*Thanks in advance.*

Damion Mitchell
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