getting up and running

Daniel Lyons fusion at
Wed Mar 16 22:40:37 UTC 2011

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 09:39:39AM -0500, Chris Muller wrote:
> Hello all,  that installation procedure is old, and will result in an
> older version of Magma being installed.  I recommend following the
> installation instructions from the Magma home page, which I had
> updated about a month ago..

Well, I'm still confused, but I don't really see how those
instructions could possibly be correct for Pharo, which doesn't
have an SMSqueakMap. Neither could I find a way to install SMSqueakMap
into a Pharo image.

We are talking about the instructions that suggest running this:

SMSqueakMap default loadUpdates.

"Load Ma client server if not already loaded."
(Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #MaClientSocket)
		[ SMSqueakMap default installPackageNamed: 'Ma client server' version: '1.3' ].

(Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #MagmaSession) 
	   ifFalse: [ SMSqueakMap default installPackageNamed: 'Magma' version: '1.2 client' ].

(Installer repository: '')
	   install: 'Magma server-cmm.421' ;
	   install: 'Magma Tools-cmm.52'.


There's also no Installer in Pharo, but I found someone recommending
creating one like so: ScriptLoader new installingInstaller. Then I can
run the last statement there, but it doesn't do me any good without
the preceeding packages.

Thanks for your help, again,


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