[Pharo-project] garbage collection

Norbert Hartl norbert at hartl.name
Mon Feb 20 12:02:22 UTC 2012

Am 19.02.2012 um 18:26 schrieb Chris Muller:

>> Very strange. Shortly after I read your post I opened a unresponsive image
>> myself. In the process stack I saw that magma was the culprit (didn't remember
>> I have it installed in that image). However the problem was that I moved my
>> directory and magma was looking for the old path. I didn't investigate further but
>> it seems that the MagmaRepositoryController>>#open (called on startUp) is
>> able to block the UI thread. In the same image I could use seaside still although
>> the UI was frozen.
> Hi.  Based on your description, it sounds like Magma hit its warning
> condition check that it found a file named "_open" in the repository
> directory, indicating it thinks another process has it open.  This can
> occur if the server image did not shut down properly last time.
> Before starting the image, see if there is a file called "_open" and,
> if there is, delete it.  The image should start normally now.
The directory wasn't there anymore where magma was looking for it. Does magma look in other directories as well. The magma/ Folder was still in the same directory as the image. But I thought magma is looking for the absolute path because that's what I can see in the debug log. Anyway there was a file called _open in that directory. So either magma didn't find the directory or it was locked by the _open.

> This is something that has annoyed me at least a couple of times as
> well.  I'm not sure what the UI process was doing in your case, but
> Alt+. should allow you to interrupt it and see the stacks..  My
> suspicion is that something in the image wanted a MagmaSession to do
> something, but since the server was waiting for you to respond to the
> Warning about "_open" it wouldn't return...
Alt+. did not work. It was not reacting to anything. The warning about _open would have been a dialog?

> The confusing part for me is, the image startup code runs in the UI
> process doesn't it?  So why were there two Processes to possibly get
> into a deadlock?

Well, I don't have enough knowledge but I would say in pharo it isn't impossible that there are more than one thread being involved.


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