Processing objects using Ma Client Server

Hari Balaraman hari.balaraman at
Thu Apr 27 01:54:47 UTC 2017

Hi All,

I'm struggling with trying to implement conditionality in Server processing. What I am doing now is:


		processOn: 12345

			[ :requestObject |
			[requestObject processThis] fork. responseObject ]

This allows processThis to happen and responseObject to come back.

What I'd like to do is:


		processOn: 12345


			[ :requestObject |

			[requestObject is MemberOf:A] ifTrue:[(requestObject instVarL)='somevalue' ifTrue:[ ResponseObject1 instVarA:(     (requestObject instVarL)  )      ].]

			[requestObject is MemberOf:B] ifTrue:[(requestObject instVarT)='somevalue' ifTrue:[ ResponseObject2 doSomething:(requestObject)].]


I'd like to get a response without forking.... so that the responseObject is based on the conditionality and the value of one of its instance variables is based on some processing of an instance variable of the requestObject.

Is there something structurally wrong with what I am trying to do, i.e. introduce conditionality within the processOn method?

Kind regards,


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