[Pkg] DeltaStreams: DeltaStreams-UI-mtf.5.mcz

squeaksource-noreply at iam.unibe.ch squeaksource-noreply at iam.unibe.ch
Fri May 30 19:06:25 UTC 2008

Matthew Fulmer uploaded a new version of DeltaStreams-UI to project DeltaStreams:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: DeltaStreams-UI-mtf.5
Author: mtf
Time: 30 May 2008, 12:06:44 pm
UUID: 99627652-5268-4b1d-bf06-297e485cd80c
Ancestors: DeltaStreams-UI-mtf.4

imported some extension methods got left behind during the package split

Implemented seletion preservation across editor changes

=============== Diff against DeltaStreams-UI-mtf.4 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Rectangle>>scaleFractionalFrom:to: (in category '*DeltaStreams-UI') -----
+ scaleFractionalFrom: rect1 to: rect2
+ 	"Produce a rectangle stretched according to the stretch from rect1 to rect2"
+ 	^ (origin scaleFractionalFrom: rect1 to: rect2)
+ 		corner: (corner scaleFractionalFrom: rect1 to: rect2)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DSDeltaStreamBrowser>>preserveSelectionAround: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  preserveSelectionAround: aBlock
+ 	"saves the selected category/class/protocol/method, evaluates the block, and restores the selection. This method creates many duplicate change notifications. You probably want to wrap it with #queueChangesDuring:"
- 	"saves the selected category/class/protocol/method, evaluates the block, and restores the selection"
+ | category class meta protocol selector | [
+ 	category := self selectedSystemCategoryName.
+ 	class := self selectedClass.
+ 	meta := self metaClassIndicated.
+ 	protocol := self selectedMessageCategoryName.
+ 	selector := self selectedMessageName.
+ 	aBlock value.
+ ] ensure: [
+ 	self selectSystemCategoryNamed: category.
+ 	self selectClass: class.
+ 	self metaClassIndicated: meta.
+ 	protocol ifNotNil: [self selectMessageCategoryNamed: protocol].
+ 	self selectedMessageName: selector.
+ ]!
- 	aBlock value
- "
- 	self selectCategoryForClass: classEditor theNonMetaClass.
- 	self selectClass: classEditor theNonMetaClass.
- 	self metaClassIndicated: classEditor isMeta.
- 	self selectMessageCategoryNamed: methodEditor category.
- 	self selectedMessageName: methodEditor selector.
- "!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Point>>scaleFractionalFrom:to: (in category '*DeltaStreams-UI') -----
+ scaleFractionalFrom: rect1 to: rect2
+ 	"Produce a point stretched according to the stretch from rect1 to rect2"
+ 	^ rect2 topLeft + (((x-rect1 left) * rect2 width / rect1 width)
+ 					@ ((y-rect1 top) * rect2 height / rect1 height))!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: OrderedCollection>>ensureIndex:fillWith: (in category '*DeltaStreams-UI') -----
+ ensureIndex: index fillWith: anObject
+ 	"Become larger if index is out of bounds, filing new elements with anObject"
+ 	| newArray newSize newLast |
+ 	index <= self size ifTrue: [^ self]. "if is within the collection size, do nothing"
+ 	newLast := index + firstIndex - 1.
+ 	newLast <= array size ifFalse: ["Must grow"
+ 		newSize := (array size + self growSize) max: (array size // 4 + newLast).
+ 		newArray := Array new: newSize.
+ 		newArray replaceFrom: 1 to: array size with: array startingAt: 1.
+ 		array := newArray].
+ 	anObject ifNotNil: [array from: lastIndex + 1 to: newLast put: anObject].
+ 	lastIndex := newLast.
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DSDeltaStreamBrowser>>changeListShowAll (in category 'change list menu') -----
  	shownChangeIndexes := nil.
+ 	self refreshSystemEditor.!
- 	self computeSystemEditor.
- 	self changed: #changeList.
- 	self changed: #systemCategoryList.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DSDeltaStreamBrowser>>refreshSystemEditor (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ refreshSystemEditor
+ 	"Recompute the system editor and update the view"
+ 	self queueChangesDuring: [self preserveSelectionAround: [
+ 		self computeSystemEditor.
+ 		self changed: #changeList.
+ 		self changed: #systemCategoryList
+ 	]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Browser>>selectSystemCategoryNamed: (in category '*DeltaStreams-UI') -----
+ selectSystemCategoryNamed: aSymbol
+ 	self systemCategoryListIndex: (self systemCategoryList indexOf: aSymbol)
+ !

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: DSDeltaStreamBrowser>>computeSystemEditor (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
- ----- Method: DSDeltaStreamBrowser>>computeSystemEditor (in category 'change list') -----
+ 	"rebuild the system editor from the currently visible change list"
  	delta ifNil: [self editor: nil. ^ self].
  	self editor: SystemEditorUIModel new.
  	changeApplier := DSUIApplier on: self editor.
  	changeApplier validate: self isValidating.
  	self shownChangesDo: [:change | change applyUsing: changeApplier]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: DSDeltaStreamBrowser>>shownChangesSelectVisible: (in category 'change list') -----
  shownChangesSelectVisible: aBlock
  	"Select which changes to keep visible by evaluating aBlock with each change and its selected status"
  	| newShownChangeIndexes |
  	newShownChangeIndexes := OrderedCollection new.
  	self shownChangesWithIndexAndHighlightDo: [:change :index :selected |
  		(aBlock value: change value: selected) ifTrue: [newShownChangeIndexes add: index]].
  	changeListIndex := 0.
  	changeListSelection := nil.
  	shownChangeIndexes := newShownChangeIndexes.
+ 	self refreshSystemEditor.!
- 	self halt.
- 	self computeSystemEditor.
- 	self changed: #changeList.
- 	self changed: #systemCategoryList!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Browser>>addLowerPanesTo:at:with: (in category '*DeltaStreams-UI-override') -----
+ addLowerPanesTo: window at: nominalFractions with: editString
+ 	| commentPane |
+ 	super addLowerPanesTo: window at: nominalFractions with: editString.
+ 	commentPane := self buildMorphicCommentPane.
+ 	window addMorph: commentPane fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: ((0 at 0.6 corner: 1 at 1) scaleFractionalFrom: (0 at 0 corner: 1 at 1) to: nominalFractions)).
+ 	self changed: #editSelection.!

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