[Pkg] The Trunk: XML-Parser-nice.23.mcz

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Sun Dec 27 02:27:01 UTC 2009

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of XML-Parser to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: XML-Parser-nice.23
Author: nice
Time: 27 December 2009, 3:26:55 am
UUID: 95eba115-08e7-4cad-acf3-b67213197abe
Ancestors: XML-Parser-nice.22

Cosmetic: move or remove a few temps inside closures

=============== Diff against XML-Parser-nice.22 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: XMLNamespaceScope>>validateAttributes: (in category 'validation') -----
  validateAttributes: attributeList
  	"check all attribute namespaces are defined and not duplicated by aliasing"
- 	| namespace localName |
  	attributeList keysDo: [:attrName |
+ 		| namespace localName |
  		self splitName: attrName into: [:ns :ln |
  			namespace := ns.
  			localName := ln].
  		namespace ifNotNil: [
  			(self namespaceAliases: namespace) do: [:alias |
  				(attributeList includesKey: alias , ':' , localName)
  					ifTrue: [self parseError: 'Attributes ' , attrName , ' and ' , alias , ':' , localName , ' are aliased to namespace ' , (self namespaceURIOf: namespace) ]]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: XMLTokenizer>>nextLiteral (in category 'tokenizing') -----
+ 	| resultStream nextChar |
- 	| resultStream nextChar resultString |
  	resultStream := (String new: 10) writeStream.
  	((nextChar := self peek) isLetter
  		or: [nextChar == $_])
  		ifFalse: [self errorExpected: 'Name literal.'].
+ 	[ | resultString |
+ 	nextChar := self peek.
- 	[nextChar := self peek.
  	(LiteralChars includes: nextChar)
  		ifTrue: [
  			nextChar == $&
  				ifTrue: [
  					nextChar := self next.
  					resultStream nextPut: (self peek == $#
  						ifTrue: [self nextCharReference]
  						ifFalse: [^resultStream contents])]
  				ifFalse: [
  					resultStream nextPut: self next]]
  		ifFalse: [resultString := resultStream contents.
  			resultString isEmpty
  				ifTrue: [self errorExpected: 'Name literal']
  				ifFalse: [^resultString]]] repeat!

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