[Pkg] The Trunk: Kernel-ar.353.mcz

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Thu Dec 31 13:26:45 UTC 2009

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-ar.353
Author: ar
Time: 30 December 2009, 2:59:15 am
UUID: 6854a358-f04b-c04c-9584-10181b0c5523
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.352

Prepare to push the trait composition into TraitOrganizer to avoid duplication in three places (Class, Metaclass, TraitDescription).

=============== Diff against Kernel-ar.352 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassDescription>>zapOrganization (in category 'organization') -----
  	"Remove the organization of this class by message categories.
  	This is typically done to save space in small systems.  Classes and methods
  	created or filed in subsequently will, nonetheless, be organized"
+ 	self hasTraitComposition ifFalse:[
+ 		self organization: nil.
+ 		self isClassSide ifFalse: [self classSide zapOrganization]
+ 	].!
- 	self organization: nil.
- 	self isClassSide ifFalse: [self classSide zapOrganization]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Behavior>>obsolete (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"Invalidate and recycle local methods,
  	e.g., zap the method dictionary if can be done safely."
  	self canZapMethodDictionary
+ 		ifTrue: [self methodDict: self emptyMethodDictionary].!
- 		ifTrue: [self methodDict: self emptyMethodDictionary].
- 	self hasTraitComposition ifTrue: [
- 		self traitComposition traits do: [:each |
- 			each removeUser: self]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Class>>traitComposition: (in category 'accessing') -----
  traitComposition: aTraitComposition
+ 	super traitComposition: aTraitComposition.
  	traitComposition := aTraitComposition!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassDescription>>obsolete (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  	"Make the receiver obsolete."
+ 	self hasTraitComposition ifTrue: [
+ 		self traitComposition traits do: [:each |
+ 			each removeUser: self]].
  	superclass removeSubclass: self.
  	self organization: nil.
  	super obsolete.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Metaclass>>traitComposition: (in category 'accessing') -----
  traitComposition: aTraitComposition
+ 	super traitComposition: aTraitComposition.
  	traitComposition := aTraitComposition!

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