[Pkg] The Trunk: Network-nice.40.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Nov 9 22:50:16 UTC 2009

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Network-nice.40
Author: nice
Time: 7 November 2009, 9:30:57 am
UUID: 41f7cb4d-5d90-47f2-b9cf-fb68878f5012
Ancestors: Network-nice.39

Borrow excellent fix from http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=1152 and let these instVarAt:put:  out of our sight

=============== Diff against Network-nice.39 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HTTPSocket>>getResponseUpTo:ignoring: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  getResponseUpTo: markerString ignoring: ignoreString
  	"Keep reading, until the marker is seen, skipping characters in ignoreString when
        comparing to the marker.  Return three parts: header, marker, beginningOfData.
       Fails if no marker in first 2000 chars." 
+ 	| buf position bytesRead tester mm skipped |
- 	| buf response bytesRead tester mm skipped |
  	buf := String new: 2000.
+ 	position := 0.
- 	response := WriteStream on: buf.
  	tester := 1. mm := 1.
  	skipped := 0.
  	[tester := tester - markerString size + 1 max: 1.  "rewind a little, in case the marker crosses a read boundary"
+ 	tester to: position do: [:tt |
- 	tester to: response position do: [:tt |
  		(buf at: tt) = (markerString at: mm) ifFalse:
  			[[ignoreString includes: (markerString at: mm)] whileTrue:
  				[mm := mm + 1. skipped := skipped + 1]].
  		(buf at: tt) = (markerString at: mm)
  			ifTrue: [mm := mm + 1]
  			ifFalse: [mm := 1. skipped := 0].
  			"Not totally correct for markers like xx0xx"
  		mm > markerString size ifTrue: ["got it"
  			^ Array with: (buf copyFrom: 1 to: tt+1-mm+skipped)
  				with: markerString
+ 				with: (buf copyFrom: tt+1 to: position)]].
+ 	 tester := 1 max: position.	"OK if mm in the middle"
+ 	 (position < buf size) & (self isConnected | self dataAvailable)] whileTrue: [
- 				with: (buf copyFrom: tt+1 to: response position)]].
- 	 tester := 1 max: response position.	"OK if mm in the middle"
- 	 (response position < buf size) & (self isConnected | self dataAvailable)] whileTrue: [
  		(self waitForDataUntil: (Socket deadlineSecs: 5)) ifFalse: [
  			Transcript show: 'data was late'; cr].
  		bytesRead := self primSocket: socketHandle receiveDataInto: buf 
+ 			startingAt: position + 1 count: buf size - position..
+ 		position := position + bytesRead].
- 			startingAt: response position + 1 count: buf size - response position.
- 		"response position+1 to: response position+bytesRead do: [:ii | 
- 			response nextPut: (buf at: ii)].	totally redundant, but needed to advance position!!"
- 		response instVarAt: 2 "position" put: 
- 			(response position + bytesRead)].	"horrible, but fast"
+ 	^ Array with: (buf copyFrom: 1 to: position)
- 	^ Array with: response contents
  		with: ''
  		with: ''		"Marker not found and connection closed"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HTTPSocket>>getResponseUpTo: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  getResponseUpTo: markerString
  	"Keep reading until the marker is seen.  Return three parts: header, marker, beginningOfData.  Fails if no marker in first 2000 chars." 
+ 	| buf position bytesRead tester mm tries |
- 	| buf response bytesRead tester mm tries |
  	buf := String new: 2000.
+ 	position := 0.
- 	response := WriteStream on: buf.
  	tester := 1. mm := 1.
  	tries := 3.
  	[tester := tester - markerString size + 1 max: 1.  "rewind a little, in case the marker crosses a read boundary"
+ 	tester to: position do: [:tt |
- 	tester to: response position do: [:tt |
  		(buf at: tt) = (markerString at: mm) ifTrue: [mm := mm + 1] ifFalse: [mm := 1].
  			"Not totally correct for markers like xx0xx"
  		mm > markerString size ifTrue: ["got it"
  			^ Array with: (buf copyFrom: 1 to: tt+1-mm)
  				with: markerString
+ 				with: (buf copyFrom: tt+1 to: position)]].
+ 	 tester := 1 max: position.	"OK if mm in the middle"
+ 	 (position < buf size) & (self isConnected | self dataAvailable) 
- 				with: (buf copyFrom: tt+1 to: response position)]].
- 	 tester := 1 max: response position.	"OK if mm in the middle"
- 	 (response position < buf size) & (self isConnected | self dataAvailable) 
  			& ((tries := tries - 1) >= 0)] whileTrue: [
  		(self waitForDataUntil: (Socket deadlineSecs: 5)) ifFalse: [
  			Transcript show: ' <response was late> '].
  		bytesRead := self primSocket: socketHandle receiveDataInto: buf 
+ 			startingAt: position + 1 count: buf size - position.
+ 		position := position + bytesRead].
- 			startingAt: response position + 1 count: buf size - response position.
- 		"response position+1 to: response position+bytesRead do: [:ii | 
- 			response nextPut: (buf at: ii)].	totally redundant, but needed to advance position!!"
- 		response instVarAt: 2 "position" put: 
- 			(response position + bytesRead)].	"horrible, but fast"
+ 	^ Array with: (buf copyFrom: 1 to position)
- 	^ Array with: response contents
  		with: ''
  		with: ''		"Marker not found and connection closed"

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