[Pkg] The Trunk: System-dtl.170.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun Nov 22 22:53:59 UTC 2009

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-dtl.170
Author: dtl
Time: 22 November 2009, 6:50:24 am
UUID: 961e4a03-4cc6-402d-bfe4-e01808dda7d1
Ancestors: System-dtl.169

Remove Morphic dependencies from Project>>okToChange.
Add Project>>prepareForDelete and MorphicProject>>prepareForDelete to handle Morphic specific cleanup actions.

Remove some apparently unneeded logic by changing from this:
	ok := world isMorph not and: [world scheduledControllers size <= 1].
	ok ifFalse: [self isMorphic ifTrue:
		[self parent == CurrentProject 
			ifFalse: [^ true]]].  "view from elsewhere.  just delete it."

to this:
	self parent == CurrentProject 
			ifFalse: [^ true].  "view from elsewhere.  just delete it."

=============== Diff against System-dtl.169 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Project>>okToChange (in category 'release') -----
  	"Answer whether the window in which the project is housed can be dismissed -- which is destructive. We never clobber a project without confirmation"
- 	| ok is list |
  	self subProjects size  >0 ifTrue:
  		[self inform: 
  ('The project {1}
  contains sub-projects.  You must remove these
  explicitly before removing their parent.' translated format:{self name}).
  		^ false].
+ 	self parent == CurrentProject 
+ 			ifFalse: [^ true].  "view from elsewhere.  just delete it."
+ 	(self confirm:
- 	ok := world isMorph not and: [world scheduledControllers size <= 1].
- 	ok ifFalse: [self isMorphic ifTrue:
- 		[self parent == CurrentProject 
- 			ifFalse: [^ true]]].  "view from elsewhere.  just delete it."
- 	ok := (self confirm:
  ('Really delete the project
+ and all its windows?' translated format:{self name}))
+ 		ifFalse: [^ false].
- and all its windows?' translated format:{self name})).
- 	ok ifFalse: [^ false].
+ 	self prepareForDelete.
- 	world isMorph ifTrue:
- 		[Smalltalk at: #WonderlandCameraMorph ifPresent:[:aClass |
- 			world submorphs do:   "special release for wonderlands"
- 						[:m | (m isKindOf: aClass)
- 								and: [m getWonderland release]]].
- 			"Remove Player classes and metaclasses owned by project"
- 			is := ImageSegment new arrayOfRoots: (Array with: self).
- 			(list := is rootsIncludingPlayers) ifNotNil:
- 				[list do: [:playerCls | 
- 					(playerCls respondsTo: #isMeta) ifTrue:
- 						[playerCls isMeta ifFalse:
- 							[playerCls removeFromSystemUnlogged]]]]].
  	self removeChangeSetIfPossible.
  	"do this last since it will render project inaccessible to #allProjects and their ilk"
  	ProjectHistory forget: self.
  	Project deletingProject: self.
  	^ true

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Project>>prepareForDelete (in category 'release') -----
+ prepareForDelete
+ 	"The window in which the project is housed is about to deleted. Perform
+ 	any necessary actions to prepare for deletion. For an MVC project, no
+ 	action is required."
+ !

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