[Pkg] The Trunk: Graphics-ar.163.mcz

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Wed Dec 22 04:16:19 UTC 2010

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-ar.163
Author: ar
Time: 21 December 2010, 8:14:37.207 pm
UUID: 60c65f7c-7f73-7d4c-a1ac-aef0bb1d7e89
Ancestors: Graphics-fbs.162

For some strange reasons the BMP read/write primitives weren't enabled. Probably an oversight on my behalf. The primitives improve performance by 10-20x.

=============== Diff against Graphics-fbs.162 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BMPReadWriter>>nextPutImage: (in category 'writing') -----
  nextPutImage: aForm
+ 	| bhSize rowBytes rgb data colorValues depth image ppw scanLineLen pixline |
- 	| bhSize rowBytes rgb data colorValues depth image ppw scanLineLen |
  	depth := aForm depth.
  	depth := #(1 4 8 32 ) detect: [ :each | each >= depth].
  	image := aForm asFormOfDepth: depth.
  	image unhibernate.
  	bhSize := 14.  "# bytes in file header"
  	biSize := 40.  "info header size in bytes"
  	biWidth := image width.
  	biHeight := image height.
  	biClrUsed := depth = 32 ifTrue: [0] ifFalse:[1 << depth].  "No. color table entries"
  	bfOffBits := biSize + bhSize + (4*biClrUsed).
  	rowBytes := ((depth min: 24) * biWidth + 31 // 32) * 4.
  	biSizeImage := biHeight * rowBytes.
  	"Write the file header"
  	stream position: 0.
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 2 put: 19778.  "bfType = BM"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: bfOffBits + biSizeImage.  "Entire file size in bytes"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: 0.  "bfReserved"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: bfOffBits.  "Offset of bitmap data from start of hdr (and file)"
  	"Write the bitmap info header"
  	stream position: bhSize.
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: biSize.  "info header size in bytes"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: image width.  "biWidth"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: image height.  "biHeight"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 2 put: 1.  "biPlanes"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 2 put: (depth min: 24).  "biBitCount"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: 0.  "biCompression"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: biSizeImage.  "size of image section in bytes"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: 2800.  "biXPelsPerMeter"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: 2800.  "biYPelsPerMeter"
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: biClrUsed.
  	stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 4 put: 0.  "biClrImportant"
  	biClrUsed > 0 ifTrue: [
  		"write color map; this works for ColorForms, too"
  		colorValues := image colormapIfNeededForDepth: 32.
  		1 to: biClrUsed do: [:i |
  			rgb := colorValues at: i.
  			0 to: 24 by: 8 do: [:j | stream nextPut: (rgb >> j bitAnd: 16rFF)]]].
  	depth < 32 ifTrue: [
  		"depth = 1, 4 or 8."
  		data := image bits asByteArray.
  		ppw := 32 // depth.
  		scanLineLen := biWidth + ppw - 1 // ppw * 4.  "# of bytes in line"
  		1 to: biHeight do: [:i |
  			stream next: scanLineLen putAll: data startingAt: (biHeight-i)*scanLineLen+1.
  	] ifFalse: [
+ 		data := image bits.
+ 		pixline := ByteArray new: (((biWidth * 3 + 3) // 4) * 4).
  		1 to: biHeight do:[:i |
+ 			self store24BitBmpLine: pixline from: data startingAt: (biHeight-i)*biWidth+1 width: biWidth.
+ 			stream nextPutAll: pixline.
- 			data := (image copy: (0@(biHeight-i) extent: biWidth at 1)) bits.
- 			1 to: data size do: [:j | stream nextLittleEndianNumber: 3 put: (data at: j)].
- 			1 to: (data size*3)+3//4*4-(data size*3) do: [:j | stream nextPut: 0 "pad to 32-bits"]
  	stream position = (bfOffBits + biSizeImage) ifFalse: [self error:'Write failure'].
  	stream close.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BMPReadWriter>>read24BmpLine:into:startingAt:width: (in category 'reading') -----
  read24BmpLine: pixelLine into: formBits startingAt: formBitsIndex width: width
+ 	"Swizzles the bytes in a 24bpp scanline and fills in the given 32bpp form bits.
+ 	Ensures that color black is represented as 16rFF000001 so that Form paint
+ 	works properly."
  	| pixIndex rgb bitsIndex |
+ 	<primitive: 'primitiveRead24BmpLine' module:'BMPReadWriterPlugin'>
  	pixIndex := 0. "pre-increment"
  	bitsIndex := formBitsIndex-1. "pre-increment"
  	1 to: width do: [:j |
  		rgb := 
  			(pixelLine at: (pixIndex := pixIndex+1)) +
  			((pixelLine at: (pixIndex := pixIndex+1)) bitShift: 8) +
  			((pixelLine at: (pixIndex := pixIndex+1)) bitShift: 16).
+ 		rgb = 0 ifTrue:[rgb := 16rFF000001] ifFalse:[rgb := rgb + 16rFF000000].
  		formBits at: (bitsIndex := bitsIndex+1) put: rgb.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BMPReadWriter>>store24BitBmpLine:from:startingAt:width: (in category 'writing') -----
+ store24BitBmpLine: pixelLine from: formBits startingAt: formBitsIndex width: width
+ 	"Stores a single scanline containing 32bpp RGBA values in a 24bpp scanline.
+ 	Swizzles the bytes as needed."
+ 	| pixIndex rgb bitsIndex |
+ 	<primitive: 'primitiveWrite24BmpLine' module:'BMPReadWriterPlugin'>
+ 	pixIndex := 0. "pre-increment"
+ 	bitsIndex := formBitsIndex-1. "pre-increment"
+ 	1 to: width do: [:j |
+ 		rgb := (formBits at: (bitsIndex := bitsIndex+1)) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF.
+ 		pixelLine at: (pixIndex := pixIndex+1) put: (rgb bitAnd: 255).
+ 		pixelLine at: (pixIndex := pixIndex+1) put: ((rgb bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 255).
+ 		pixelLine at: (pixIndex := pixIndex+1) put: ((rgb bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 255).
+ 	].
+ !

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