[Pkg] Installer: Installer-Core-edc.87.mcz

squeak-dev-noreply at lists.squeakfoundation.org squeak-dev-noreply at lists.squeakfoundation.org
Thu Feb 4 04:18:40 UTC 2010

A new version of Installer-Core was added to project Installer:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Installer-Core-edc.87
Author: edc
Time: 2 November 2007, 6:37:36 am
UUID: 9c9ccd54-2203-4a3c-a33d-cd8a3ff7ce7b
Ancestors: Installer-Core-edc.86

To follow this see
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id= 6628

=============== Diff against Installer-Core-edc.86 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer class>>mantis: (in category 'instanciation') -----
  mantis: host
  ^self new	ma: host; 
  			markers: '"fix begin"..."fix test"..."fix end"'; 
+ 	logger: (FileStream oldFileNamed: '3dot10.log')

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer>>logCR: (in category 'logging') -----
  logCR: text
+ self logger nextPutAll: text.
  ^ Transcript cr; show: text!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer>>log: (in category 'logging') -----
  log: text
+ self logger nextPutAll: text.
  ^Transcript show: text.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer>>logger (in category 'accessing') -----
+ logger
+ ^logger!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer>>logger: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ logger: aFile
+ logger := aFile!

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #Installer
+ 	instanceVariableNames: 'sm wsm mc ma url user command markers password project package bug desc answers packages messagesToSuppress pageDataStream date logger'
- 	instanceVariableNames: 'sm wsm mc ma url user command markers password project package bug desc answers packages messagesToSuppress pageDataStream date'
  	classVariableNames: 'WebSearchPath Entities IsSetToTrapErrors SkipLoadingTests Fixes Bindings'
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'Installer-Core'!
  !Installer commentStamp: 'kph 1/7/2007 22:53' prior: 0!
  Installer provides a simple Domain Specific Language for installing packages from monticello and squeakmap of various version.
  One design decision is to be able to paste scripts a workspace and run and tested from there without any special editing.
  Installer can also be used as a squeak startup document with various commandline parameters.
  example 1 (non working example)
  unix$ squeak Squeak3.8-7067 http://installer.pbwiki.com/f/Installer.st Url="http://..." saveas="MyImage" postinstall=Tester done=quit
  This will load installer as the startup document, installer will install a file/script from the given url, then the image will be saved in the given filename, and processing is then passed on to the class Tester, once complete the image will quit.
  supported parameters:
  I|IN|INSTALL=aPage (needs PATH)
  P|TEST|POSTINSTALL=aClassName | aPage(given PATH) | aUrl
  DONE= save | quit | save&quit | aClassName
  example 2: (working example)
  unix$ squeak Squeak3.8-7067 http://installer.pbwiki.com/f/Installer.st path=wiki.squeak.org/squeak/;installer.pbwiki.com/*-alt in=CommandLineExample2 done=quit.
  Examples - Using SqueakMap
  squeakmap := Installer squeakmap.
  squeakmap install: 'DynamicBindings'.
  squeakmap open. "opens the squeak map loader gui"
  Installer squeakmap install: 'DynamicBindings'.
  3) Alternatively using websqueakmap which uses http (similar usage api to squeakmap)
  squeakmap := Installer websqueakmap.
  squeakmap package: 'DynamicBindings'; install.
  4) Abbreviated instanciation
  squeakmap := Installer sm. "squeakmap"
  squeakmap := Installer wsm. "web-squeakmap"
  5) Finding Packages by Name
  (Installer sm match: 'Labby*') explore.
  6) Obtaining List of Package Versions
  (Installer sm package: 'Labby & Walker'; versions)  explore.  
  6) Searching Packages
  Installer sm search: 'seaside'.
  Installer sm search: 'author:*Smith'. 
  "fields available for searching: author: name:, summary:,description:"
  7) Specify specific version of a package for installation
  Installer sm install: 'Labby(17)'.
  Examples - Using Monticello
  squeaksource := Installer repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com'.
  seaside := squeaksource project: 'Seaside'.
  seaside install: 'Comet-lr.8';
  		install: 'Scriptaculous'.
  squeaksource := Installer repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com'		
  squeaksource project: 'Seaside';
  			  install: 'Comet-lr.8;
  			  install: 'Scriptaculous'.
  3) Supplying user/password.
  squeaksource := Installer repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com'.
  squeaksource user: 'me'; password: 'asecret'.
  4) Abbreviated instanciation for convenience.
  squeaksource := Installer squeakSource.
  squeaksource := Installer ss.
  Examples - install straight from a url		
  (Installer url: 'http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/uploads/5889/MakeTestsGreen39.cs') install.
  Installer installUrl: 'http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/uploads/5889/MakeTestsGreen39.cs'.
  | page |
  page := Installer url: 'http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/uploads/5889/'.
  page package: 'MakeTestsGreen39.cs'.
  page install.
  In html page scripts are delimited by <code st>...</code st>
  | page |
  page := Installer url: 'http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/742'.
  page install.
  specify your own delimeters
  | page |
  page := Installer url: 'http://wiki.squeak.org/742'.
  page markers: 'beginning of script...end of script'.
  page install.
  Note: Scripts embedded in html or a swiki page may need to escape some entities.
  Supported entities are &amp; &gt; &lt; &star; &quot; (see Installer-c-entities)
  Examples - Using Mantis
  1 . Viewing a file uploaded to a mantis bug report
  Installer mantis bug: 4874 view: 'Join.4.cs'.
  1. Installing a file uploaded to a mantis bug report
  Installer mantis bug: 4874 fix: 'Join.4.cs'.
  2. as above, inform user if bug report has been updated since a given date 
  Installer mantix	bug: 4874 fix: 'JoinTest.1.cs' date: '12-18-06'. 
  3. Install or view a fix for a given bug.
  Installer mantis viewBug: 4874.
  Installer mantis fixBug: 4874.
  The fix script is published in a note added to the bug report page with the following syntax
  "fix begin"
   Installer mantis bug: 474 fix: 'Join.4.cs'.
  "fix test"
   Installer mantis bug: 474 fix: 'JoinTest.1.cs' date: '12-18-06'. 
  "fix end"
  4. Install a fix for a given bug, ignoring all test code
  (test code being delimeted by: "fix test" ... "fix end" )
  Installer mantis justFixBug: 474.
  Installer mantis justFixBug: 474 date: '12-19-06'.

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