[Pkg] The Trunk: EToys-nice.58.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Feb 4 19:41:36 UTC 2010

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-nice.58
Author: nice
Time: 4 February 2010, 8:40:53.289 pm
UUID: 662a9d8d-3158-4b74-9910-33f716c47d25
Ancestors: EToys-nice.57

1) Use methodsDo: instead of slectorsDo:
2) remove a useless fixTemps

=============== Diff against EToys-nice.57 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SyntaxMorph classSide>>testAll (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  	| systNav total count|
  SyntaxMorph testAll
  	systNav := self systemNavigation.
  	count := total := 0.
  	systNav allBehaviorsDo: [ :aClass | total := total + 1].
  'Testing all behaviors'
  	displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
  	from: 0 to: total
  	during: [ :bar |
  		systNav allBehaviorsDo: [ :aClass |
  			bar value: (count := count + 1).
+ 			aClass methodsDo: [ :m |
+ 				| source tree |
+ 				source := m getSourceFromFile.
- 			aClass selectorsDo: [ :aSelector | | source tree |
- 				source := (aClass compiledMethodAt: aSelector) getSourceFromFile.
  				tree := Compiler new 
  					parse: source 
  					in: aClass 
  					notifying: nil.
  				tree asMorphicSyntaxUsing: SyntaxMorph.
  		].	].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>veryDeepFixupWith: (in category 'copying') -----
  veryDeepFixupWith: deepCopier
- 	| old |
  	"Any uniClass inst var may have been weakly copied.  If they were in the tree being copied, fix them up, otherwise point to the originals."
+ 	super veryDeepFixupWith: deepCopier.
+ 	Player instSize + 1 to: self class instSize do:
+ 		[:ii |
+ 		| old |
+ 		old := self instVarAt: ii.
+ 		self instVarAt: ii put: (deepCopier references at: old ifAbsent: [old])].
- super veryDeepFixupWith: deepCopier.
- Player instSize + 1 to: self class instSize do:
- 	[:ii | old := self instVarAt: ii.
- 	self instVarAt: ii put: (deepCopier references at: old ifAbsent: [old])].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
  drawOn: aCanvas
  	"may need to unhibernate the script lazily here."
  	(Preferences universalTiles and: [self submorphs size < 2])
+ 			[WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [self unhibernate]].
- 			[WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [self unhibernate] fixTemps].
  	^ super drawOn: aCanvas!

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