[Pkg] The Trunk: ST80-dtl.99.mcz

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Wed Feb 10 04:22:42 UTC 2010

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-dtl.99
Author: dtl
Time: 9 February 2010, 11:21:52.722 pm
UUID: afe0ebf4-84fc-4d47-93a2-a333b2302319
Ancestors: ST80-dtl.98

Move #asParagraph methods to package *ST80-Support.
Remove explicit MVC and Morphic dependencies from MailComposition.
Change method categories for SyntaxError from *MVC-Models to *MVC-Support.

=============== Diff against ST80-dtl.98 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Text>>asParagraph (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
+ asParagraph
+ 	"Answer a Paragraph whose text is the receiver."
+ 	^Paragraph withText: self!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: SyntaxError class>>buildMVCViewOn: (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
- ----- Method: SyntaxError class>>buildMVCViewOn: (in category '*ST80-Models') -----
  buildMVCViewOn: aSyntaxError
  	"Answer an MVC view on the given SyntaxError."
  	| topView aListView aCodeView |
  	topView := StandardSystemView new
  		model: aSyntaxError;
  		label: 'Syntax Error';
  		minimumSize: 380 at 220.
  	aListView := PluggableListView on: aSyntaxError
  		list: #list
  		selected: #listIndex
  		changeSelected: nil
  		menu: #listMenu:.
  	aListView window: (0 at 0 extent: 380 at 20).
  	topView addSubView: aListView.
  	aCodeView := PluggableTextView on: aSyntaxError
  		text: #contents
  		accept: #contents:notifying:
  		readSelection: #contentsSelection
  		menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
  	aCodeView window: (0 at 0 extent: 380 at 200).
  	topView addSubView: aCodeView below: aListView.
  	^ topView

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>asParagraph (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
+ asParagraph
+ 	"Answer a Paragraph whose text string is the receiver."
+ 	^Paragraph withText: self asText!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DisplayText>>asParagraph (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
+ asParagraph
+ 	"Answer a Paragraph whose text and style are identical to that of the 
+ 	receiver."
+ 	| para |
+ 	para := Paragraph withText: text style: textStyle.
+ 	para foregroundColor: foreColor backgroundColor: backColor.
+ 	backColor isTransparent ifTrue: [para rule: Form paint].
+ 	^ para!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MailComposition>>mvcOpen (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
+ mvcOpen
+ 	| textView sendButton  |
+ 	mvcWindow := StandardSystemView new
+ 		label: 'Mister Postman';
+ 		minimumSize: 400 at 250;
+ 		model: self.
+ 	textView := PluggableTextView
+ 		on: self
+ 		text: #messageText
+ 		accept: #messageText:.
+ 	textEditor := textView controller.
+ 	sendButton := PluggableButtonView 
+ 		on: self
+ 		getState: nil
+ 		action: #submit.
+ 	sendButton label: 'Send'.
+ 	sendButton borderWidth: 1.
+ 	sendButton window: (1 at 1 extent: 398 at 38).
+ 	mvcWindow addSubView: sendButton.
+ 	textView window: (0 at 40 corner: 400 at 250).
+ 	mvcWindow addSubView: textView below: sendButton.
+ 	mvcWindow controller open.
+ !

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: SyntaxError class>>mvcOpen: (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
- ----- Method: SyntaxError class>>mvcOpen: (in category '*ST80-Models') -----
  mvcOpen: aSyntaxError
  	"Answer a standard system view whose model is an instance of me."
  	| topView |
  	topView := self buildMVCViewOn: aSyntaxError.
  	topView controller openNoTerminateDisplayAt: Display extent // 2.
  	Cursor normal show.
  	Processor activeProcess suspend

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