[Pkg] The Trunk: System-dtl.249.mcz

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Fri Feb 12 05:06:55 UTC 2010

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-dtl.249
Author: dtl
Time: 12 February 2010, 12:04:43.651 am
UUID: 38875405-8fe8-4874-9f68-dc48062cac14
Ancestors: System-jcg.248

Eliminate explicit references to MVC and Morphic classes in Preferences class>>setWindowTitleFontTo:
Remove explicit MVC dependencies from SystemDictionary>>discardMVC.

=============== Diff against System-jcg.248 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>setWindowTitleFontTo: (in category 'fonts') -----
  setWindowTitleFontTo: aFont
  	"Set the window-title font to be as indicated"
  	Parameters at: #windowTitleFont put: aFont.
+ 	(Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #StandardSystemView)
+ 		ifTrue: [(Smalltalk at: #StandardSystemView) setLabelStyle].
+ 	(Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #Flaps)
+ 		ifTrue: [(Smalltalk at: #Flaps) replaceToolsFlap]
+ !
- 	StandardSystemView setLabelStyle.
- 	Flaps replaceToolsFlap!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemDictionary>>discardMVC (in category 'shrinking') -----
  	"After suitable checks, strip out much of MVC from the system"
  	"Smalltalk discardMVC"
  	| keepers |
+ 	self flag: #bob. "zapping projects"
- 	self flag: #bob.
- 	"zapping projects"
  	self isMorphic
+ 		ifFalse: [^self inform: 'You must be in a Morphic project to discard MVC.'].
- 		ifFalse: [self inform: 'You must be in a Morphic project to discard MVC.'.
- 			^ self].
  	"Check that there are no MVC Projects"
+ 	(Project allProjects allSatisfy: [:proj | proj isMorphic])
- 	(Project allProjects
- 			allSatisfy: [:proj | proj isMorphic])
  		ifFalse: [(self confirm: 'Would you like a chance to remove your
  MVC projects in an orderly manner?')
  				ifTrue: [^ self].
  			(self confirm: 'If you wish, I can remove all MVC projects,
  make this project be the top project, and place
  all orphaned sub-projects of MVC parents here.
  Would you like be to do this
  and proceed to discard all MVC classes?')
  				ifTrue: [self zapMVCprojects]
  				ifFalse: [^ self]].
  	self reclaimDependents.
  	"Remove old Paragraph classes and View classes."
+ 	self at: #Paragraph ifPresent: [:paraClass |
+ 		(ChangeSet superclassOrder: paraClass withAllSubclasses asArray)
+ 			reverseDo: [:c | c removeFromSystem]].
+ 	self at: #View ifPresent: [:viewClass |
+ 		(ChangeSet superclassOrder: viewClass withAllSubclasses asArray)
+ 			reverseDo: [:c | c removeFromSystem]].
- 	self
- 		at: #Paragraph
- 		ifPresent: [:paraClass | (ChangeSet superclassOrder: paraClass withAllSubclasses asArray)
- 				reverseDo: [:c | c removeFromSystem]].
- 	self
- 		at: #View
- 		ifPresent: [:viewClass | (ChangeSet superclassOrder: viewClass withAllSubclasses asArray)
- 				reverseDo: [:c | c removeFromSystem]].
  	"Get rid of ParagraphEditor's ScrollController dependence"
+ 	self at: #ParagraphEditor ifPresent: [:paragraphEditor |
- 	(Smalltalk at: #ParagraphEditor) ifNotNilDo: [:paragraphEditor |
  		#(#markerDelta #viewDelta #scrollAmount #scrollBar #computeMarkerRegion )
  			do: [:sel | paragraphEditor removeSelector: sel].
  		paragraphEditor compile: 'updateMarker'.
  		"Reshape to MouseMenuController"
+ 		Compiler evaluate: (paragraphEditor definition copyReplaceAll: 'ScrollController' with: 'MouseMenuController')].
+ 	"Get rid of all Controller classes not needed by ParagraphEditor and ScreenController"
+ 	self at: #ScreenController ifPresent: [:screenController |
+ 		keepers := TextMorphEditor withAllSuperclasses copyWith: screenController].
+ 	self at: #Controller ifPresent: [:controller |
+ 		(ChangeSet superclassOrder: controller withAllSubclasses asArray)
+ 			reverseDo: [:c | (keepers includes: c)
+ 					ifFalse: [c removeFromSystem]]].
- 		Compiler
- 			evaluate: (paragraphEditor definition copyReplaceAll: 'ScrollController' with: 'MouseMenuController')].
- 	"Get rid of all Controller classes not needed by
- 	ParagraphEditor and ScreenController"
- 	keepers := TextMorphEditor withAllSuperclasses copyWith: ScreenController.
- 	(ChangeSet superclassOrder: Controller withAllSubclasses asArray)
- 		reverseDo: [:c | (keepers includes: c)
- 				ifFalse: [c removeFromSystem]].
  	SystemOrganization removeCategoriesMatching: 'ST80-Paths'.
  	SystemOrganization removeCategoriesMatching: 'ST80-Symbols'.
  	SystemOrganization removeCategoriesMatching: 'ST80-Pluggable Views'.
  	self removeClassNamed: 'FormButtonCache'.
  	self removeClassNamed: 'WindowingTransformation'.
  	self removeClassNamed: 'ControlManager'.
  	self removeClassNamed: 'DisplayTextView'.
  	ScheduledControllers := nil.
  	Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys.
  	SystemOrganization removeEmptyCategories.
  	Symbol rehash!

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