[Pkg] The Trunk: System-cmm.251.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sat Feb 13 21:59:45 UTC 2010

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-cmm.251
Author: cmm
Time: 13 February 2010, 3:56:48.909 pm
UUID: 957fecec-e199-4629-842e-fdc1a7dc8f61
Ancestors: System-dtl.250

- Enhanced browser invocation from a text-editor via Cmd+B.  The system is now aware that Type-Suggesting Parameter Names, a long-recognized Smalltalk best-practice, will frequently be used to spawn a browser.  Therefore, gross-motor skills (vs. fine) can be now used to spawn browsers on type-suggesting method-arguments, conserving developer time and energy.

=============== Diff against System-dtl.250 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>classFromPattern:withCaption: (in category 'summer97 additions') -----
  classFromPattern: pattern withCaption: aCaption
  	"If there is a class whose name exactly given by pattern, return it.
  	If there is only one class in the system whose name matches pattern, return it.
  	Otherwise, put up a menu offering the names of all classes that match pattern, and return the class chosen, else nil if nothing chosen.
  	This method ignores tab, space, & cr characters in the pattern"
+ 	| toMatch potentialClassNames classNames exactMatch index lines reducedIdentifiers |
- 	| toMatch potentialClassNames classNames exactMatch index |
  	(toMatch :=  pattern copyWithoutAll:
  			{Character space.  Character cr.  Character tab})
  		isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
  	Symbol hasInterned: toMatch ifTrue:
  		[:patternSymbol | Smalltalk at: patternSymbol ifPresent:
  			[:maybeClass | (maybeClass isKindOf: Class) ifTrue: [^ maybeClass]]].
  	toMatch := (toMatch copyWithout: $.) asLowercase.
  	potentialClassNames := (Smalltalk classNames , Smalltalk traitNames) asOrderedCollection.
  	classNames := pattern last = $. 
  		ifTrue: [potentialClassNames select:
  					[:nm |  nm asLowercase = toMatch]]
  		ifFalse: [potentialClassNames select: 
  					[:n | n includesSubstring: toMatch caseSensitive: false]].
- 	classNames isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
  	exactMatch := classNames detect: [:each | each asLowercase = toMatch] ifNone: [nil].
+ 	lines := OrderedCollection new.
+ 	exactMatch ifNotNil: [ lines add: 1 ].
+ 	(reducedIdentifiers := pattern suggestedTypeNames select: [ :each | potentialClassNames includes: each ]) notEmpty
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[ classNames addAll: reducedIdentifiers.
+ 			lines add: 1 + classNames size + reducedIdentifiers size ].
  	index := classNames size = 1
  		ifTrue:	[1]
  		ifFalse:	[exactMatch
+ 			ifNil: [UIManager default chooseFrom: classNames lines: lines title: aCaption]
- 			ifNil: [UIManager default chooseFrom: classNames lines: #() title: aCaption]
  			ifNotNil: [classNames addFirst: exactMatch.
+ 				UIManager default chooseFrom: classNames lines: lines title: aCaption]].
- 				UIManager default chooseFrom: classNames lines: #(1) title: aCaption]].
  	index = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil].
  	^ Smalltalk at: (classNames at: index) asSymbol
  	self classFromPattern: 'CharRecog' withCaption: ''
  	self classFromPattern: 'rRecog' withCaption: ''
  	self classFromPattern: 'znak' withCaption: ''
  	self classFromPattern: 'orph' withCaption: ''
  	self classFromPattern: 'TCompil' withCaption: ''

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>suggestedTypeNames (in category '*system') -----
+ suggestedTypeNames
+ 	^ Array streamContents:
+ 		[ : stream |
+ 		self withIndexDo:
+ 		[ : eachChar : index |
+ 		eachChar isUppercase ifTrue:
+ 			[ stream nextPut: 
+ 				(self
+ 					copyFrom: index
+ 					to: self size) trimBlanks.
+ 			"Often, argument names that refer to Collections end in the letter s, which can cause the suggested type-name to not be found.  Account for this."
+ 			self last = $s
+ 				ifTrue:
+ 					[ stream nextPut:
+ 						(self
+ 							copyFrom: index
+ 							to: self size-1) trimBlanks ] ] ] ]!

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