[Pkg] The Trunk: KernelTests-ul.168.mcz

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Tue Nov 16 04:35:25 UTC 2010

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-ul.168
Author: ul
Time: 16 November 2010, 4:57:24.463 am
UUID: acc5874d-ac2d-2a45-911b-940188567f6d
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.167

- use #= for integer comparison instead of #== (http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2788 )

=============== Diff against KernelTests-nice.167 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: IntegerTest>>testReadFrom (in category 'tests - instance creation') -----
  	"Ensure remaining characters in a stream are not lost when parsing an integer."
  	| rs i s |
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal'.
  	i := Number readFrom: rs.
+ 	self assert: (i isInteger and: [ i = 123 ]).
- 	self assert: i == 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 's could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' = s.
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123.s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal'.
  	i := Number readFrom: rs.
  	self assert: i = 123.0.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 's could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' = s

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: IntegerTest>>testStringAsNumber (in category 'tests - instance creation') -----
  	"This covers parsing in Number>>readFrom:
  	Trailing decimal points should be ignored."
+ 	#(
+ 		('123' isInteger 123)
+ 		('-123' isInteger -123)
+ 		('123.' isFloat 123)
+ 		('-123.' isFloat -123)
+ 		('123This is not to be read' isInteger 123)
+ 		('123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' isInteger 123)
+ 		('123e could be confused with a Float' isInteger 123)) do: [ :each |
+ 			[ :string :typeSelector :numericValue |
+ 				| result |
+ 				result := string asNumber.
+ 				self assert: (result perform: typeSelector).
+ 				self assert: result = numericValue ] valueWithArguments: each ]!
- 	self assert: ('123' asNumber == 123).
- 	self assert: ('-123' asNumber == -123).
- 	self assert: ('123.' asNumber = 123).
- 	self assert: ('123.' asNumber) isFloat.
- 	self assert: ('-123.' asNumber = -123).
- 	self assert: ('-123.' asNumber) isFloat.
- 	self assert: ('123This is not to be read' asNumber == 123).
- 	self assert: ('123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' asNumber == 123).
- 	self assert: ('123e could be confused with a Float' asNumber == 123).
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeNegativeIntegerTest>>testDenormalizedPrintString (in category 'tests') -----
  	"Check that an un-normalized instance behaves reasonably."
  	| i i0 |
  	i := LargeNegativeInteger new: 4.
  	i basicAt: 2 put: 255.
+ 	self assert: i size = 4.
- 	self assert: i size == 4.
  	self assert: i printString = '-65280'.	"-256*255"
+ 	self assert: i normalize = -65280.
+ 	self assert: (i normalize isMemberOf: SmallInteger).
- 	self assert: i normalize == -65280.
  	i0 := LargeNegativeInteger new: 0.
+ 	self assert: i0 size = 0.
- 	self assert: i0 size == 0.
  	self assert: i0 printString = '-0'.
+ 	self assert: i0 normalize = 0.
+ 	self assert: (i0 normalize isMemberOf: SmallInteger)!
- 	self assert: i0 normalize == 0.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeNegativeIntegerTest>>testEmptyTemplate (in category 'tests') -----
  	"Check that an uninitialized instance behaves reasonably."
  	| i |
  	i := LargeNegativeInteger new: 4.
+ 	self assert: i size = 4.
- 	self assert: i size == 4.
  	self assert: i printString = '-0'.
+ 	self assert: i normalize = 0.
+ 	self assert: (i normalize isMemberOf: SmallInteger)!
- 	self assert: i normalize == 0!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargePositiveIntegerTest>>testDenormalizedPrintString (in category 'tests') -----
  	"Check that an un-normalized instance behaves reasonably."
  	| i i0 |
  	i := LargePositiveInteger new: 4.
  	i basicAt: 2 put: 255.
+ 	self assert: i size = 4.
- 	self assert: i size == 4.
  	self assert: i printString = '65280'.	"256*255"
+ 	self assert: i normalize = 65280.
+ 	self assert: (i normalize isMemberOf: SmallInteger).
- 	self assert: i normalize == 65280.
  	i0 := LargePositiveInteger new: 0.
+ 	self assert: i0 size = 0.
- 	self assert: i0 size == 0.
  	self assert: i0 printString = '0'.
+ 	self assert: i0 normalize = 0.
+ 	self assert: (i0 normalize isMemberOf: SmallInteger)!
- 	self assert: i0 normalize == 0.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargePositiveIntegerTest>>testEmptyTemplate (in category 'tests') -----
  	"Check that an uninitialized instance behaves reasonably."
  	| i |
  	i := LargePositiveInteger new: 4.
+ 	self assert: i size = 4.
- 	self assert: i size == 4.
  	self assert: i printString = '0'.
+ 	self assert: i normalize = 0.
+ 	self assert: (i normalize isMemberOf: SmallInteger)!
- 	self assert: i normalize == 0!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MethodContextTest>>privRestartTest (in category 'private') -----
  	"This tests may loop endlessly if incorrect, so call it from another method testing it does not time out"
  	|a firstTimeThrough |
  	firstTimeThrough := true.
  	a := 10.
  	self assert: 30 equals: [|b| 
+ 		self assert: 10 = a .
- 		self assert: 10 == a .
  		self assert: nil == b.
  		b := a + 20. 
  		firstTimeThrough ifTrue: [
  			firstTimeThrough := false.
  			thisContext restart.].
  		b] value

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NumberParsingTest>>testIntegerFromString (in category 'tests - Integer') -----
  	"This covers parsing in Number>>readFrom:
  	Trailing decimal points should be ignored."
+ 	#(
+ 		('123' isInteger 123)
+ 		('-123' isInteger -123)
+ 		('123.' isFloat 123)
+ 		('-123.' isFloat -123)
+ 		('123This is not to be read' isInteger 123)
+ 		('123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' isInteger 123)
+ 		('123e could be confused with a Float' isInteger 123)) do: [ :each |
+ 			[ :string :typeSelector :numericValue |
+ 				| result |
+ 				result := string asNumber.
+ 				self assert: (result perform: typeSelector).
+ 				self assert: result = numericValue ] valueWithArguments: each ]
- 	self assert: ('123' asNumber == 123).
- 	self assert: ('-123' asNumber == -123).
- 	self assert: ('123.' asNumber = 123).
- 	self assert: ('123.' asNumber) isFloat.
- 	self assert: ('-123.' asNumber = -123).
- 	self assert: ('-123.' asNumber) isFloat.
- 	self assert: ('123This is not to be read' asNumber == 123).
- 	self assert: ('123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' asNumber == 123).
- 	self assert: ('123e could be confused with a Float' asNumber == 123).

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NumberParsingTest>>testIntegerReadFrom (in category 'tests - Integer') -----
  	"Ensure remaining characters in a stream are not lost when parsing an integer."
  	| rs i s |
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal'.
  	i := Number readFrom: rs.
+ 	self assert: (i isInteger and: [ i = 123 ]).
- 	self assert: i == 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 's could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' = s.
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123.s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal'.
  	i := Number readFrom: rs.
  	self assert: i = 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 's could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' = s.
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123sA has unary message sA'.
  	i := Number readFrom: rs.
+ 	self assert: (i isInteger and: [ i = 123 ]).
- 	self assert: i == 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 'sA has unary message sA' = s.	
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123sB has unary message sB'.
  	i := Number readFrom: rs.
+ 	self assert: (i isInteger and: [ i = 123 ])..
- 	self assert: i == 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 'sB has unary message sB' = s.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumber (in category 'tests') -----
  	"Ensure no loss of precision"
  	| sd |
  	sd := '1.40s2' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 2.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 2.
  	self assert: '1.40s2' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberNegatedWithoutDecimalPoint (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '-123s0' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 0.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 0.
  	self assert: '-123s0' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberNegatedWithoutDecimalPoint2 (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '-123s2' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 2.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 2.
  	self assert: '-123.00s2' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberWithExtendedScale (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '123s2' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 2.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 2.
  	self assert: '123.00s2' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberWithRadix (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '10r-22.2s5' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 5.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 5.
  	self assert: '-22.20000s5' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberWithSuperfluousDecimalPoint (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '123.s2' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 2.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 2.
  	self assert: '123.00s2' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberWithoutDecimalPoint (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '123s0' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 0.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 0.
  	self assert: '123s0' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testAsNumberWithoutDecimalPoint2 (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := '123s2' asNumber.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 2.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 2.
  	self assert: '123.00s2' = sd printString.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testConvertFromFloat (in category 'tests') -----
  	| aFloat sd f2 diff |
  	aFloat := 11/13 asFloat.
  	sd := aFloat asScaledDecimal: 2.
+ 	self assert: 2 = sd scale.
- 	self assert: 2 == sd scale.
  	self assert: '0.84s2' = sd printString.
  	f2 := sd asFloat.
  	diff := f2 - aFloat.
  	self assert: diff < 1.0e-9. "actually, f = f2, but this is not a requirement"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testConvertFromFractionWithScale (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := (13 / 11) asScaledDecimal: 6.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
  	self assert: ('1.181818s6' = sd printString).
+ 	self assert: 6 = sd scale
- 	self assert: 6 == sd scale

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScaledDecimalTest>>testLiteral (in category 'tests') -----
  	| sd |
  	sd := 1.40s2.
  	self assert: ScaledDecimal == sd class.
+ 	self assert: sd scale = 2.
- 	self assert: sd scale == 2.
  	self assert: '1.40s2' = sd printString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqNumberParserTest>>testIntegerReadFrom (in category 'tests - Integer') -----
  	"Ensure remaining characters in a stream are not lost when parsing an integer."
  	| rs i s |
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal'.
  	i := SqNumberParser parse: rs.
+ 	self assert: (i isInteger and: [ i = 123 ]).
- 	self assert: i == 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: 's could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' = s.
  	rs := ReadStream on: '123.s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal'.
  	i := SqNumberParser parse: rs.
+ 	self assert: (i isInteger and: [ i = 123 ]).
- 	self assert: i == 123.
  	s := rs upToEnd.
  	self assert: '.s could be confused with a ScaledDecimal' = s

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