[Pkg] The Trunk: SMServer-gk.34.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Jan 20 21:24:23 UTC 2011

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of SMServer to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SMServer-gk.34
Author: gk
Time: 28 September 2010, 9:14:41 pm
UUID: b611d180-5c48-4972-b85d-1eb0468bcc0d
Ancestors: SMServer-gk.33

Error handling improved.

=============== Diff against SMServer-gk.33 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SMPublicAccountView>>copackage (in category 'urls') -----
  	"Request for a specific co-package in the account.
  	Pick out the UUID, look it up and delegate to a view."
  	| uuid package |
  	uuid _ self nextMethod.
+ 	uuid ifNil: [^self serverError: 'Package uuid not given in URL'].
+ 	[package _ model coPackageWithId: uuid] ifError: [].
- 	package _ model coPackageWithId: uuid.
  	package ifNil: [^self serverError: 'This account has no comaintainer package with id ', uuid].
  	^(package viewFor: self) dispatch!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SMSqueakMapView>>accountbyid (in category 'urls') -----
  	"Request for a specific account. Pick out the UUID, look it up
  	and delegate to a view."
  	| uuid acc |
  	uuid _ self nextMethod.
+ 	uuid ifNil: [^self serverError: 'No account id given in URL'].
  	[acc _ model accountWithId: uuid] ifError: [].
  	acc ifNil: [^self serverError: 'No account found with id ', uuid].
  	^(acc publicViewFor: self) dispatch!

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