[Pkg] The Trunk: Tools-fbs.350.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Fri May 6 21:12:27 UTC 2011

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-fbs.350
Author: fbs
Time: 6 May 2011, 9:13:44.159 pm
UUID: c71fe985-f3c6-5c47-9471-0d0f279bc3b8
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.348

Fix for http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7634

Everything else in a ChangeRecord uses meta as a Boolean.

=============== Diff against Tools-cmm.348 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassCommentVersionsBrowser>>scanVersionsOf: (in category 'basic function') -----
  scanVersionsOf: class 
  	"Scan for all past versions of the class comment of the given class"
  	| oldCommentRemoteStr sourceFilesCopy position prevPos stamp preamble tokens prevFileIndex |
  	classOfMethod := class.
  	oldCommentRemoteStr := class  organization commentRemoteStr.
  	currentCompiledMethod := oldCommentRemoteStr.
  	selectorOfMethod := #Comment.
  	changeList := OrderedCollection new.
  	list := OrderedCollection new.
  	listIndex := 0.
  	oldCommentRemoteStr ifNil:[^ nil] ifNotNil: [oldCommentRemoteStr sourcePointer].
  	sourceFilesCopy := SourceFiles collect:
  		[:x | x isNil ifTrue: [ nil ]
  				ifFalse: [x readOnlyCopy]].
  	position := oldCommentRemoteStr position.
  	file := sourceFilesCopy at: oldCommentRemoteStr sourceFileNumber.
  	[position notNil & file notNil]
  		[file position: (0 max: position-150).  " Skip back to before the preamble"
  		[file position < (position-1)]  "then pick it up from the front"
  			whileTrue: [preamble := file nextChunk].
  		prevPos := nil.
  		stamp := ''.
  		(preamble findString: 'commentStamp:' startingAt: 1) > 0
  			ifTrue: [tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: preamble.
  				(tokens at: tokens size-3) = #commentStamp:
  				ifTrue: ["New format gives change stamp and unified prior pointer"
  						stamp := tokens at: tokens size-2.
  						prevPos := tokens last.
  						prevFileIndex := sourceFilesCopy fileIndexFromSourcePointer: prevPos.
  						prevPos := sourceFilesCopy filePositionFromSourcePointer: prevPos]]
  			ifFalse: ["The stamp get lost, maybe after a condenseChanges"
  					stamp := '<historical>'].
   		self addItem:
  				(ChangeRecord new file: file position: position type: #classComment
+ 						class: class name category: nil meta: class isMeta stamp: stamp)
- 						class: class name category: nil meta: class stamp: stamp)
  			text: stamp , ' ' , class name , ' class comment'. 
  		prevPos = 0 ifTrue:[prevPos := nil].
  		position := prevPos.
  		prevPos notNil 
  					ifTrue:[file := sourceFilesCopy at: prevFileIndex]].
  	sourceFilesCopy do: [:x | x notNil ifTrue: [x close]].
  	listSelections := Array new: list size withAll: false!

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