[Pkg] The Trunk: ST80-nice.128.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun May 8 12:02:56 UTC 2011

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-nice.128
Author: nice
Time: 8 May 2011, 2:02:34.239 pm
UUID: bfa1b739-c121-4126-a2dd-3816b5c499e7
Ancestors: ST80-nice.127

minor refactorings: use #anySatisfy: #allSatisfy: #noneSatisfy: where it simplifies

=============== Diff against ST80-nice.127 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explainGlobal: (in category 'explain') -----
  explainGlobal: symbol 
  	"Is symbol a global variable?"
  	| reply classes |
  	reply := Smalltalk at: symbol ifAbsent: [^nil].
  	(reply class == Dictionary or:[reply isKindOf: SharedPool class])
  			[classes := Set new.
+ 			self systemNavigation allBehaviorsDo: [:each | (each sharedPools anySatisfy: [:pool | pool == reply])
+ 					ifTrue: [classes add: each]].
- 			self systemNavigation allBehaviorsDo: [:each | (each sharedPools detect: [:pool | pool == reply]
- 					ifNone: [])
- 					~~ nil ifTrue: [classes add: each]].
  			classes := classes printString.
  			^'"is a global variable.  It is a pool which is used by the following classes ' , (classes allButFirst: 5) , '"'].
  	(reply isKindOf: Behavior)
  		ifTrue: [^'"is a global variable.  ' , symbol , ' is a class in category ', reply category,
  			'."', '\' withCRs, 'Browser newOnClass: ' , symbol , '.'].
  	symbol == #Smalltalk ifTrue: [^'"is a global.  Smalltalk is the only instance of SystemDictionary and holds all global variables."'].
  	^'"is a global variable.  ' , symbol , ' is ' , reply printString , '"'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explainInst: (in category 'explain') -----
  explainInst: string 
  	"Is string an instance variable of this class?"
  	| classes cls |
  	(model respondsTo: #selectedClassOrMetaClass) ifTrue: [
  		cls := model selectedClassOrMetaClass].
  	cls ifNil: [^ nil].	  "no class known"
  	classes := (Array with: cls)
  				, cls allSuperclasses.
+ 	classes := classes detect: [:each | each instVarNames
+ 			anySatisfy: [:name | name = string] ] ifNone: [^nil].
- 	classes := classes detect: [:each | (each instVarNames
- 			detect: [:name | name = string] ifNone: [])
- 			~~ nil] ifNone: [^nil].
  	classes := classes printString.
  	^ '"is an instance variable of the receiver; defined in class ' , classes , 
  		'"\' withCRs , classes , ' systemNavigation browseAllAccessesTo: ''' , string , ''' from: ', classes, '.'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explainMySel: (in category 'explain') -----
  explainMySel: symbol 
  	"Is symbol the selector of this method?  Is it sent by this method?  If 
  	not, then expalin will call (explainPartSel:) to see if it is a fragment of a 
  	selector sent here.  If not, explain will call (explainAnySel:) to catch any 
  	selector. "
  	| lits classes msg |
  	(model respondsTo: #selectedMessageName) ifFalse: [^ nil].
  	(msg := model selectedMessageName) ifNil: [^nil].	"not in a message"
  	classes := self systemNavigation allClassesImplementing: symbol.
  	classes size > 12
  		ifTrue: [classes := 'many classes']
  		ifFalse: [classes := 'these classes ' , classes printString].
  	msg = symbol
  		ifTrue: [^ '"' , symbol , ' is the selector of this very method!!  It is defined in ',
  			classes , '.  To see the other definitions, go to the message list pane, get the menu from the top of the scroll bar, and select ''implementors of...''."']
  			[lits := (model selectedClassOrMetaClass compiledMethodAt:
  				msg) messages.
+ 			(lits anySatisfy: [:each | each == symbol])
+ 				ifFalse: [^nil].
- 			(lits detect: [:each | each == symbol]
- 				ifNone: [])
- 				== nil ifTrue: [^nil].
  			^ '"' , symbol , ' is a message selector which is defined in ', classes , '.  To see the definitions, go to the message list pane, get the menu from the top of the scroll bar, and select ''implementors of...''."'].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explainPartSel: (in category 'explain') -----
  explainPartSel: string 
  	"Is this a fragment of a multiple-argument selector sent in this method?"
  	| lits whole reply classes s msg |
  	(model respondsTo: #selectedMessageName) ifFalse: [^ nil].
  	(msg := model selectedMessageName) ifNil: [^ nil].  "not in a message"
  	string last == $: ifFalse: [^ nil].
  	"Name of this method"
  	lits := Array with: msg.
+ 	(whole := lits detect: [:each | each keywords anySatisfy: [:frag | frag = string] ]
- 	(whole := lits detect: [:each | (each keywords detect: [:frag | frag = string]
- 					ifNone: []) ~~ nil]
  				ifNone: []) ~~ nil
  		ifTrue: [reply := ', which is the selector of this very method!!'.
  			s := '.  To see the other definitions, go to the message list pane, get the menu from the top of the scroll bar, and select ''implementors of...''."']
  			["Selectors called from this method"
  			lits := (model selectedClassOrMetaClass compiledMethodAt:
  				msg) messages.
+ 			(whole := lits detect: [:each | each keywords anySatisfy: [:frag | frag = string] ]
- 			(whole := lits detect: [:each | (each keywords detect: [:frag | frag = string]
- 							ifNone: []) ~~ nil]
  						ifNone: []) ~~ nil
  				ifFalse: [string = 'primitive:'
  					ifTrue: [^self explainChar: '<']
  					ifFalse: [^nil]].
  			reply := '.'.
  			s := '.  To see the definitions, go to the message list pane, get the menu from the top of the scroll bar, and select ''implementors of...''."'].
  	classes := self systemNavigation allClassesImplementing: whole.
  	classes size > 12
  		ifTrue: [classes := 'many classes']
  		ifFalse: [classes := 'these classes ' , classes printString].
  	^ '"' , string , ' is one part of the message selector ' , whole, reply , '  It is defined in ' , classes , s!

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