[Pkg] The Trunk: Kernel-eem.703.mcz

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Wed Jul 4 20:53:01 UTC 2012

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-eem.703
Author: eem
Time: 4 July 2012, 1:52:09.978 pm
UUID: 072b8788-6194-499e-99f3-877f353d3f8e
Ancestors: Kernel-bf.702

Fix copying of the AdditionalMethodState on CompiledMethod
copy.  Fix setting copied pragmas' methods to the copied
method for both CompiledMethod>>copyWithTrailerBytes: and

=============== Diff against Kernel-bf.702 ===============

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>copyWithTrailerBytes: (in category 'copying') -----
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>copyWithTrailerBytes: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  copyWithTrailerBytes: trailer
  	(CompiledMethod compiledMethodAt: #copyWithTrailerBytes:)
  		tempNamesPut: 'copy end '
  	| copy end start penultimateLiteral |
  	start := self initialPC.
  	end := self endPC.
  	copy := trailer createMethod: end - start + 1 class: self class header: self header.
  	1 to: self numLiterals do: [:i | copy literalAt: i put: (self literalAt: i)].
  	(penultimateLiteral := self penultimateLiteral) isMethodProperties ifTrue:
  		[copy penultimateLiteral: (penultimateLiteral copy
  									setMethod: copy;
+ 									yourself).
+ 		 self pragmas do:
+ 			[:p| p setMethod: self]].
- 									yourself)].
  	start to: end do: [:i | copy at: i put: (self at: i)].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>postCopy (in category 'copying') -----
+ postCopy
+ 	| penultimateLiteral |
+ 	(penultimateLiteral := self penultimateLiteral) isMethodProperties ifTrue:
+ 		[self penultimateLiteral: (penultimateLiteral copy
+ 									setMethod: self;
+ 									yourself).
+ 		 self pragmas do:
+ 			[:p| p setMethod: self]]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethodTrailer>>createMethod:header: (in category 'creating a method') -----
- createMethod: numberOfBytesForAllButTrailer header: headerWord 
- 	| meth |
- 	encodedData ifNil: [ self encode ].
- 	"without >>self compiledMethodClass<<, subclassing CompiledMethod is duplicating code"
- 	meth := self compiledMethodClass newMethod: numberOfBytesForAllButTrailer + size header: headerWord.
- 	"copy the encoded trailer data"
- 	1 to: size do:
- 		[:i | meth at: meth size - size + i put: (encodedData at: i)].
- 	^ meth!

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