[Pkg] The Trunk: MonticelloConfigurations-bf.112.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue May 7 21:08:01 UTC 2013

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of MonticelloConfigurations to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MonticelloConfigurations-bf.112
Author: bf
Time: 4 May 2013, 8:19:17.367 pm
UUID: 3b23e53c-ca6e-47af-b3a1-12a73857fc22
Ancestors: MonticelloConfigurations-fbs.111

Allow moving methods and classes between packages independent of their order in the configuration.

=============== Diff against MonticelloConfigurations-fbs.111 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCConfiguration>>depsSatisfying:versionDo:displayingProgress: (in category 'private') -----
  depsSatisfying: selectBlock versionDo: verBlock displayingProgress: progressString 
+ 	| count selectedVersions |
- 	| count action |
  	self cacheAllFileNamesDuring: [
+ 		self repositories do: [ :eachRepository |
+ 			MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: eachRepository ].
+ 		"First, download selected versions"
+ 		count := 0.
+ 		selectedVersions := OrderedCollection new.
+ 		self withProgress: progressString in: self dependencies do: [ :dep | | verName repo |
+ 			verName := dep versionInfo name.
+ 			self class extraProgressInfo ifTrue:
+ 				[ ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: 'Downloading ' , verName ].
+ 			repo := self repositories
+ 				detect: [ :eachRepository | eachRepository includesVersionNamed: verName ]
+ 				ifNone: 	[ self logError: 'Version ' , verName , ' not found in any repository'.
+ 					self logError: 'Aborting'.
+ 					^ count ].
+ 			(selectBlock value: dep) ifTrue: [ | version |
+ 				version := self versionNamed: verName for: dep from: repo.
+ 				version ifNil: [ self logError: 'Could not download version ' , verName , ' from ' , repo description.
+ 					self logError: 'Aborting'.
+ 					^ count ].
+ 				dep package workingCopy newRepositoryGroupIfDefault. "fix old working copies"
+ 				dep package workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repo.
+ 				selectedVersions add: version]].
+ 		"Then, process only those definitions that moved from one package to another, to avoid order dependence"
+ 		MCReorganizationPreloader preloadMovesBetween: selectedVersions.
+ 		"Finally, load/merge selected versions"
+ 		self withProgress: progressString in: selectedVersions do: [ :version |
+ 			self logUpdate: version package with: version.
+ 			self class extraProgressInfo ifTrue:
+ 				[ ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: 'Installing ' , version info name ].
+ 			verBlock value: version.
+ 			count := count + 1 ].
- 	count := 0.
- 	self repositories do: [ : eachRepository | MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: eachRepository ].
- 	action := [ : dep | | ver repo |
- 	ver := dep versionInfo name.
- 	repo := self repositories
- 		detect:
- 			[ : eachRepository | eachRepository includesVersionNamed: ver ]
- 		ifNone:
- 			[ self logError: 'Version ' , ver , ' not found in any repository'.
- 			self logError: 'Aborting'.
- 			^ count ].
- 	(selectBlock value: dep) ifTrue:
- 		[ | new |
- 		new := self
- 			versionNamed: ver
- 			for: dep
- 			from: repo.
- 		new
- 			ifNil:
- 				[ self logError: 'Could not download version ' , ver , ' from ' , repo description.
- 				self logError: 'Aborting'.
- 				^ count ]
- 			ifNotNil:
- 				[ self
- 					logUpdate: dep package
- 					with: new.
- 				self class extraProgressInfo ifTrue:
- 					[ ProgressNotification
- 						signal: ''
- 						extra: 'Installing ' , ver ].
- 				verBlock value: new.
- 				count := count + 1 ] ].
- 	dep package workingCopy newRepositoryGroupIfDefault. "fix old working copies"
- 	dep package workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repo ].
- 	self class extraProgressInfo
- 		ifTrue:
- 			[ self dependencies
- 				do: action
- 				displayingProgress: progressString ]
- 		ifFalse: [ self dependencies do: action ].
  	^ count!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCConfiguration>>withProgress:in:do: (in category 'private') -----
+ withProgress: progressString in: aCollection do: aBlock
+ 	^self class extraProgressInfo
+ 		ifTrue: [ aCollection do: aBlock displayingProgress: progressString ]
+ 		ifFalse: [ aCollection do: aBlock ]
+ !

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