[Pkg] The Trunk: Tools-bf.462.mcz

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Wed May 8 15:50:26 UTC 2013

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-bf.462
Author: bf
Time: 8 May 2013, 5:48:49.651 pm
UUID: 3565d6d2-f2f3-4c68-84a2-9594775bd978
Ancestors: Tools-fbs.461

When deleting a changeset, update the changeset list explicitly. Otherwise we get a DNU when deleting from a filtered view. (Possibly this indicates a problem in the filtering code?)

=============== Diff against Tools-fbs.461 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ChangeSorter>>removePrompting: (in category 'changeSet menu') -----
  removePrompting: doPrompt
  	"Completely destroy my change set.  Check if it's OK first, and if doPrompt is true, get the user to confirm his intentions first."
  	| message aName changeSetNumber msg |
  	aName := myChangeSet name.
  	myChangeSet okayToRemove ifFalse: [^ self]. "forms current changes for some project"
  	(myChangeSet isEmpty or: [doPrompt not]) ifFalse:
  		[message := 'Are you certain that you want to 
  remove (destroy) the change set
  named  "', aName, '" ?'.
  		(self confirm: message) ifFalse: [^ self]].
  	doPrompt ifTrue:
  		[msg := myChangeSet hasPreamble
  				[myChangeSet hasPostscript
  						['a preamble and a postscript']
  						['a preamble']]
  				[myChangeSet hasPostscript
  						['a postscript']
  		msg isEmpty ifFalse:
  			[(self confirm: 
  'Caution!!  This change set has
  ', msg, ' which will be
  lost if you destroy the change set.
  Do you really want to go ahead with this?') ifFalse: [^ self]]].
  	"Go ahead and remove the change set"
  	changeSetNumber := myChangeSet name initialIntegerOrNil.
  	changeSetNumber ifNotNil: [SystemVersion current unregisterUpdate: changeSetNumber].
  	ChangesOrganizer removeChangeSet: myChangeSet.
+ 	self changed: #changeSetList.
  	self showChangeSet: ChangeSet current.!

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