[Pkg] The Trunk: Tests-fbs.265.mcz

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Sat Nov 23 20:52:35 UTC 2013

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-fbs.265
Author: fbs
Time: 23 November 2013, 8:51:58.613 pm
UUID: 13704942-9b36-4c42-bc86-ff31474efd16
Ancestors: Tests-fbs.264

CI-friendly error messages to help try fix some failing tests.

=============== Diff against Tests-fbs.264 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileDirectoryTest>>testDirectoryNicknames (in category 'existence tests') -----
  	| defaultDirectory |
  	defaultDirectory := FileDirectory default.
  	#('/.' '/../../.' '/././.') 
  		collect: [ :each | each copyReplaceAll: '/' with: FileDirectory slash ]
  		thenDo: [:each |
+ 			self assert: (defaultDirectory directoryExists: defaultDirectory fullName, each) description: 'Nickname of "', each, '"'. ]!
- 			self assert: (defaultDirectory directoryExists: defaultDirectory fullName, each) ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleTest>>testLocaleChanged (in category 'testing') -----
  	"self debug: #testLocaleChanged"
  	"LanguageEnvironment >> startUp is called from Prject >> localeChanged"
  	<timeout: 60> "takes quite a while"
  	Project current updateLocaleDependents.
+ 	self assert: (ActiveHand instVarNamed: 'keyboardInterpreter') isNil description: 'non-nil keyboardInterpreter'.
+ 	self assert: (Clipboard default instVarNamed: 'interpreter') isNil description: 'non-nil interpreter'.
- 	self assert: (ActiveHand instVarNamed: 'keyboardInterpreter') isNil.
- 	self assert: (Clipboard default instVarNamed: 'interpreter') isNil.
  	Locale switchToID: (LocaleID isoLanguage: 'ja').
+ 	self assert: 'ja' equals: Locale current localeID.
- 	self assert: Preferences useFormsInPaintBox.
  	Locale switchToID: (LocaleID isoLanguage: 'en').
+ 	self assert: 'en' equals: Locale current localeID.!
- 	self assert: Preferences useFormsInPaintBox not.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestValueWithinFix>>testValueWithinTimingRepeat (in category 'tests') -----
  	"Test timing of valueWithin:onTimeout:"
  	| time |
  	time := [
  		3 timesRepeat: [
  			[500 milliSeconds asDelay wait]
  				valueWithin: 100 milliSeconds onTimeout: []]
  	] durationToRun.
+ 	self assert: time < 350 milliSeconds description: 'Took ' + time printString.!
- 	self assert: time < 350 milliSeconds.
- !

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