[Pkg] The Trunk: Graphics-nice.292.mcz

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Sat May 10 13:22:29 UTC 2014

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.292
Author: nice
Time: 10 May 2014, 3:20:49.939 pm
UUID: 2d2a1654-5de9-4d4c-9fcf-f5650bc6199b
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.291

Fix transparency when reading PNG RGB forms
- Form paint did not overwrite the background, use Form over
- the transparentPixelValue was not correctly read, fix it
- the 16 bitsPerChannel handling of transparency was not correct, fix it

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.291 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriter>>copyPixelsRGB: (in category 'pixel copies') -----
  copyPixelsRGB: y
  	"Handle non-interlaced RGB color mode (colorType = 2)"
  	| i pixel tempForm tempBits |
  	(transparentPixelValue isNil and: [ bitsPerChannel = 8 ]) ifTrue: [ "Do the same trick as in #copyPixelsRGBA:"
  		| targetIndex |
  		tempBits := ByteArray new: thisScanline size * 4 // 3 withAll: 16rFF.
  		tempForm := Form extent: width at 1 depth: 32 bits: tempBits.
  		targetIndex := 1.
  		1 to: thisScanline size by: 3 do: [ :index |
  				at: targetIndex put: (thisScanline at: index);
  				at: targetIndex + 1 put: (thisScanline at: index + 1);
  				at: targetIndex + 2 put: (thisScanline at: index + 2).
  			targetIndex := targetIndex + 4 ].
  			ifNil:[cachedDecoderMap := self rgbaDecoderMapForDepth: depth].
  		(BitBlt toForm: form)
  			sourceForm: tempForm;
  			destOrigin: 0 at y;
  			combinationRule: Form over;
  			colorMap: cachedDecoderMap;
  		^self ].
  	tempForm := Form extent: width at 1 depth: 32.
  	tempBits := tempForm bits.
  	pixel := LargePositiveInteger new: 4.
  	pixel at: 4 put: 16rFF.
+ 	bitsPerChannel = 8
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[i := 1.
+ 			1 to: width do:
+ 				[ :x |
+ 				pixel
+ 					at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
+ 					at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+1);
+ 					at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+2).
+ 				tempBits at: x put: pixel.
+ 				i := i + 3].
+ 			transparentPixelValue
+ 				ifNotNil:
+ 					[1 to: width do: [ :x |
+ 						(tempBits at: x) = transparentPixelValue
+ 							ifTrue: [tempBits at: x put: 0]]]]
+ 		ifFalse:
+ 			[i := 1.
+ 			1 to: width do:
+ 				[ :x |
+ 				(transparentPixelValue == nil or: [(1 to: 6) anySatisfy: [:k | (transparentPixelValue digitAt: k) ~= (thisScanline at: i + 6 - k)]])
+ 					ifTrue:
+ 						[pixel
+ 							at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
+ 							at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+2);
+ 							at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+4).
+ 						tempBits at: x put: pixel]
+ 					ifFalse:
+ 						[tempBits at: x put: 0].
+ 				i := i + 6]].
+ 	tempForm displayOn: form at: 0 at y rule: Form over.
- 	bitsPerChannel = 8 ifTrue: [
- 		i := 1.
- 		1 to: width do: [ :x |
- 			pixel
- 				at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
- 				at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+1);
- 				at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+2).
- 			tempBits at: x put: pixel.
- 			i := i + 3.
- 		]
- 	] ifFalse: [
- 		i := 1.
- 		1 to: width do: [ :x |
- 			pixel
- 				at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
- 				at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+2);
- 				at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+4).
- 			tempBits at: x put: pixel.
- 			i := i + 6.
- 		]
- 	].
- 	transparentPixelValue ifNotNil: [
- 		1 to: width do: [ :x |
- 			(tempBits at: x) = transparentPixelValue ifTrue: [
- 				tempBits at: x put: 0.
- 			].
- 		].
- 	].
- 	tempForm displayOn: form at: 0 at y rule: Form paint.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriter>>copyPixelsRGB:at:by: (in category 'pixel copies') -----
  copyPixelsRGB: y at: startX by: incX
  	"Handle interlaced RGB color mode (colorType = 2)"
  	| i pixel tempForm tempBits xx loopsToDo |
  	tempForm := Form extent: width at 1 depth: 32.
  	tempBits := tempForm bits.
  	pixel := LargePositiveInteger new: 4.
  	pixel at: 4 put: 16rFF.
  	loopsToDo := width - startX + incX - 1 // incX.
+ 	bitsPerChannel = 8
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[i := (startX // incX * 3) + 1.
+ 			xx := startX+1.
+ 			1 to: loopsToDo do:
+ 				[ :j |
+ 				pixel
+ 					at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
+ 					at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+1);
+ 					at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+2).
+ 				tempBits at: xx put: pixel.
+ 				i := i + 3.
+ 				xx := xx + incX].
+ 			transparentPixelValue
+ 				ifNotNil: [startX to: width-1 by: incX do: [ :x |
+ 					(tempBits at: x+1) = transparentPixelValue
+ 						ifTrue: [	tempBits at: x+1 put: 0]]]]
+ 		ifFalse:
+ 			[i := (startX // incX * 6) + 1.
+ 			xx := startX+1.
+ 			1 to: loopsToDo do:
+ 				[ :j |
+ 				(transparentPixelValue == nil or: [(1 to: 6) anySatisfy: [:k | (transparentPixelValue digitAt: k) ~= (thisScanline at: i + 6 - k)]])
+ 					ifTrue:
+ 						[pixel
+ 							at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
+ 							at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+2);
+ 							at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+4).
+ 						tempBits at: xx put: pixel.]
+ 					ifFalse:
+ 						[tempBits at: xx put: 0].
+ 				i := i + 6.
+ 				xx := xx + incX]].
+ 	tempForm displayOn: form at: 0 at y rule: Form over.
- 	bitsPerChannel = 8 ifTrue: [
- 		i := (startX // incX * 3) + 1.
- 		xx := startX+1.
- 		1 to: loopsToDo do: [ :j |
- 			pixel
- 				at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
- 				at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+1);
- 				at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+2).
- 			tempBits at: xx put: pixel.
- 			i := i + 3.
- 			xx := xx + incX.
- 		]
- 	] ifFalse: [
- 		i := (startX // incX * 6) + 1.
- 		xx := startX+1.
- 		1 to: loopsToDo do: [ :j |
- 			pixel
- 				at: 3 put: (thisScanline at: i);
- 				at: 2 put: (thisScanline at: i+2);
- 				at: 1 put: (thisScanline at: i+4).
- 			tempBits at: xx put: pixel.
- 			i := i + 6.
- 			xx := xx + incX.
- 		].
- 	].
- 	transparentPixelValue ifNotNil: [
- 		startX to: width-1 by: incX do: [ :x |
- 			(tempBits at: x+1) = transparentPixelValue ifTrue: [
- 				tempBits at: x+1 put: 0.
- 			].
- 		].
- 	].
- 	tempForm displayOn: form at: 0 at y rule: Form paint.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriter>>processTransparencyChunk (in category 'chunks') -----
- 	| red green blue |
  	"Transcript show: '  TRANSPARENCY ',chunk printString."
+ 	colorType = 0
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[transparentPixelValue := chunk unsignedShortAt: 1 bigEndian: true.
+ 			bitsPerChannel <= 8
+ 				ifTrue: [palette at: transparentPixelValue + 1 put: Color transparent]
+ 				ifFalse: [palette at: 1 put: Color transparent].
+ 			^self].
+ 	colorType = 2
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[| red green blue |
+ 			red :=  chunk unsignedShortAt: 1 bigEndian: true.
+ 			green :=  chunk unsignedShortAt: 3 bigEndian: true.
+ 			blue :=  chunk unsignedShortAt: 5 bigEndian: true.
+ 			transparentPixelValue := bitsPerChannel <= 8
+ 				ifTrue: [16rFF00 + red << 8 + green << 8 + blue]
+ 				ifFalse: [red << 16 + green << 16 + blue].
+ 			^self].
+ 	colorType = 3
+ 		ifTrue:
+ 			[chunk withIndexDo: [ :alpha :index |
+ 				palette at: index put: ((palette at: index) alpha: alpha/255)].
+ 			^self].
- 	colorType = 0 ifTrue: [
- 		transparentPixelValue := chunk unsignedShortAt: 1 bigEndian: true.
- 		bitsPerChannel <= 8
- 			ifTrue: [palette at: transparentPixelValue + 1 put: Color transparent]
- 			ifFalse: [palette at: 1 put: Color transparent].
- 		^self
- 	].
- 	colorType = 2 ifTrue: [
- 		red := chunk at: 2.
- 		green := chunk at: 2.
- 		blue := chunk at: 2.
- 		transparentPixelValue := 16rFF00 + red << 8 + green << 8 + blue.
- 		^self
- 	].
- 	colorType = 3 ifTrue: [
- 		chunk withIndexDo: [ :alpha :index |
- 			palette at: index put: ((palette at: index) alpha: alpha/255)
- 		].
- 		^self
- 	].

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